Falling in love with a stranger pr.1

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Opening her eyes Phoebe was met with unfamiliar  surroundings. She tried sitting up but a sharp pain in her abdomen prevented her making her hiss in pain.She looked down seeing a bloody wound that was cleaned and sutured.

The last thing she remembers was hunting and running into someone before she blacked out. What if she was captured by whoever she met in the woods? What are they going to do to her?

All these questions were running inside of  her head when a knob moved making her freeze in fear of what's to come.

A tall tanned man who was very muscular and kind of intimidating walked inside. She remembered him suddenly, he was the guy from the woods.He looked at her and then rested his eyes on her wound.

"How are you feeling?"he asked his voice deep and husky, she could instantly tell he was older than her

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"How are you feeling?"he asked his voice deep and husky, she could instantly tell he was older than her. 

She was too scared to talk.Maybe if he thinks she doesn't understand him, he will let her go.

"I know you understand me"he said. Well great that plan went faster than it came.

"Look, I understand you don't want to talk to some stranger, but I just want to know how is your wound doing so we can give you something for pain if you need it"he said sitting beside her on the bed.She shifted away from him and he didn't get offended, he understood her fear.

"It's ok. May I?"he asked gently which made her nod her head. She did not understand why she trusted this man, but she did for some unexplained reason.She felt that he was not a threat, that he would not hurt her.

He moved her shirt up touching around the stitches seeing the uneasy look on her face.

"Hurts?"he asked simply

She just nodded.

"Alright it might be infected, I will go get my friend she is better at this than me and she will look at it ok?"he asked but she shook her head no quickly.She didn't want to be outnumbered by these people she barely knew anything about.

"Alright,alright I will ask her what to do and it will be just you and me alright?"he asked and she nodded.

He left and quickly returned with some gauze and some liquid in the jar.He sat down starting to clean the wound before putting the gauze on it telling me to hold it there. Then he gave me some liquid asking me to drink it and I looked at him quizzically.

"It's ok, it's herb tea it will help with the sharp pain" he said and she nodded.The smell was familiar, her father gave her this herb when she felt sick.Somehow this made her calmer.

"What's you name?"he asked after couple of minutes watching you drink up the medication

He saw that she was still afraid but somehow he felt that she was getting more comfortable around him.

He saw that she was still afraid but somehow he felt that she was getting more comfortable around him

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"It's ok you can tell me"he said touching her hand gently and she smiled. 

"Phoebe"she whispered and her voice was soft like silk which made Bellamy dizzy.He just allowed himself to look at her, how beautify and pure this girl looked.He noticed that she was shivering as the wind sneaked its sway inside the tent.

He stood up closing the tend and taking his jacket off placing it around her body.She didn't move away this time, she just took it not looking at him.

"Phoebe is a beautiful name, I'm Bellamy"he said smiling at her and then it clicked to her where she was.She was captured by the 100. Her father told her about these space creatures that invaded their Earth and want to destroy it like their ancestors once did.Bellamy Blake the big leader that wanted to kill all of her family.

"Try to rest I will stay here with you" somehow those words although they should make her scared made her feel safe and protected.Does he know who she is?

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