Mini Bellamy *FLUFF*

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Billy-name of your and Bellamy's son (he is 5)

Y/N woke up slowly stretching her aching body on the bed.She looked besides her but Bellamy was not there as usual, he needed to do head check early in the morning. A note was left on his side of the bed:

"Good morning mommy, me and Billy are on the east side of the camp doing some 'big boys things' come join us when you wake up. We love you!"

Y/N smiled widely thinking about Billy, or should she say mini Bellamy Blake. He was the exact replica of his dad, the only thing he has like her were big dark eyes. 

She stood up from the bed excited to go see her little family.Walking to the east gate she heard giggles half way and as she came closer, she saw Bellamy carrying Billy in his arms pretending he is an airplane.Billy was so happy,so peaceful in his father's arms that made Y/N cry a happy tear.

She laughed at the beautiful sight in front of her and they both looked toward her smiling.

"Mommy!" Billy yelled as Bellamy let him down so he can run and hug you.

"Hey buddy! What are you and daddy doing?"she asked kissing his forehead

"Did you get our note mommy, we are doing 'big boy' things" he said proudly looking at his dad for approval

"That's right."Bellamy smiled walking towards us kissing Y/N's forehead before putting Billy on his shoulders.

"Come on let's take a walk to the butterfly hill, sounds good? "he asked making us both shout YES!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Come on let's take a walk to the butterfly hill, sounds good? "he asked making us both shout YES!

Sitting on the hill in between Bellamy's legs as Billy was chasing the radiating blue butterflies around them made Y/N smile widely.She was so lucky for a husband like Bellamy and a beautiful baby boy like Billy, but there was something she needed to tell Bellamy and she thought this was a perfect moment.

She turned her body towards him placing her hand on his cheek as he brought his face closer enjoying her touch.

"Bell.."she said making him open his eyes bringing him back from enjoyment of her touch

"Yes baby"

"I need to tell you something"

"You know you can tell me anything. Everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything is even better that alright."she said taking his hand and placing it on her stomach

He was confused for a moment but then tears came to his eyes 

"Wait! I need you to say it ...please just say it"

"Bell we will have another member of our family soon"she said and he hugged her tightly

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Bell we will have another member of our family soon"she said and he hugged her tightly.

"Thank you! Oh thank you for this.You are my everything you and this family.Billy buddy come here"he called their son as he ran towards them

"Look buddy"he said taking his small hand and putting on Y/N's stomach " you will have a brother or sister soon" 

The smile of Billy's face was the true happiness Y/N and Bellamy felt. They did something right, they made this family and that is something nobody will ever take away from them.

Sitting there with both of their hands on her belly Y/n said "I love you boys "

"We love you too"Bellamy said as Billy kissed her belly.

Bellamy Blake x Short Reader Storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن