Teasing her

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Y/N was trying to reach for the remedies that were of course on the tallest shelf in the tent.She heard a chuckle behind her that startled her a little bit.Turning around she saw Bellamy standing there with a grin of amusement on his face.

"Need help princess?"he asked in a teasing voice

She was annoyed when everyone else teased her for her height but when Bellamy did it she only blushed nodding her head.

She expected him to reach it for her but instead he told her to jump and she did.He caught her in his arms resting his hands on her butt on purpose to see her cheeks flush.Y/N was sure Bellamy knew about her crush and always teased her with nicknames or things like this.

"Got it!"she said taking the jar of herbs in her small hands 

"Good girl"Bellamy said making Y/N internally moan or well she thought it was internally

"Ohh so you like when I call you good girl princess?"he said large smirk plastered on his freckled face

"I... no..I was just "Y/N stumbled on her words as but he interrupted her by putting his finger on her lips

"It's alright princess, I like it too" he said adding" but if I hear someone else call you that it will not be good for them" 

Y/N heart was racing as Bellamy was rubbing her lips with his finger.

"Hey Y/N did you get.. oh sorry Bell"Octavia apologized as she rushed into Y/N's tent turning her head quickly.

Bellamy moved away as Y/N came to her giving her the jar.

"Are you alright? Your skin is very warm, you sure you don't have a fever?"she asked as she felt Y/N forehead making Bellamy chuckle and Y/N roll her eyes at the awkward situation.

"I'm fine O! Go give that to Clarke she said she needs it ASAP"Y/N said trying to get out of the awkward position

"Alright! Alright! I am gone love birds. But big bro be careful with this one, see she already got a fever and you haven't even touched her"O said quickly before leaving making me blush even more if possible.

 But big bro be careful with this one, see she already got a fever and you haven't even touched her"O said quickly before leaving making me blush even more if possible

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Y/N did the only thing she could think of and that is cover her face.She felt Bellamy's hands snake around her waist as he raised her to his lever.One of his hands rested as previously on her butt while the other moved her hands from her face looking at her eyes.

He sat down on her bad with her straddling his lap smiling wide.

"Take it easy princess, I don't want you to get a heart attack after what I am about to do"his deep voice paralyzed her.He came closer brushing his lips on hers feeling the electrical charge and passion he never felt before.

Sure he slept with half of the camp already but this was different.He did not want to simply sleep with her,he wanted to touch her,to feel her soft skin on his fingertips,to kiss her ,love her,appreciate her.She was his princess.Only his princess.

"Bell"she said moving her lips for air looking at him shyly

"What is it princess?You alright?"he said being able to hear how fast her heart was racing

"I never did this before,I am just nervous that's all"she said looking away afraid of his reacting but he only turned her head back towards him kissing her forehead.

"It's alright princess we can take it slow, and I promise I would never do anything that would hurt you. I love you silly girl"

"You do?So you didn't just tease me for my crush?"

"Of course not!I mean I love seeing your cheeks getting ruby red when I call you good girl but I really love you Y/N"

"I love you too Bell"she said and he pulled her in for another long passionate kiss.

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