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Bonus Ending

A total of three years have passed and the kingdom was thriving. Though there were the occasional sparks of outraged folk that the Crown Prince was half blood, those were quickly put out. They were dealt with firmly since you knew a thing or two about handling people like that. Namjoon also made it clear to his people that this was how the dynasty was moving forward. Having you as his Queen would lead to a better future. A chance was given and things have been going great ever since. No one really cared that Lady Eunchae wasn't the Queen of their nation. Who cares about pure blood anyway? Though calling Eunchae a Lady didn't really work well seeing as she committed high treason. She's been dead for three years though. Namjoon had her decapitated which you thought was the right thing to do.

Her and all her people were killed for the acts they helped commit. Only Namjoon's uncle survived, but he wasn't living the wealthy life he used to. Eunchae did a lot of damage to her own family. Selfish. Though that was in the past now and you wanted to move on. There was never a time you could stop to think with your son growing. He was able to walk and talk, maybe not well, but he talked! He looked a lot like his father while sharing a few of your characteristics. Minjun is extremely precious to you and Namjoon. He's both of your worlds! The only thing was that he could be quite the troublemaker in a way. He would run off all the time which scared you to death so many times.

Like now for example! Where is that boy? Picking up the heavy fabric of your gown, you wished there weren't so many layers. Being Queen was ridiculously extravagant at times. All you wanted to do was shed a few layers and be able to run. Quite the contrast from what you used to wish for. It was funny at times. Rushing past palace women, you didn't bother glancing at them as they bowed. There were plenty of servants doing the same thing as you ran around, but none of them were telling you where your son was or offering to help you. This was all your fault too! You decided to take a nap with him and when you woke up, he was gone! Gone how!? The doors are heavy and eunuchs are supposed to open them so who would let your child out?!

"Minjun!!" You cried out, your heart hammering against your chest. At this point you were growing miserable by the second. Your bottom lip was quivering as you kept looking around the courtyard. It was tempting to fall on your knees and just cry, but you were a warrior. You'll cry once you have him in your arms again.

"What's going on?" Taehyung's voice made you jump. Turning around, you saw Taehyung ready to reach out for your shoulder. Behind him were Jimin and Hoseok who were staring at you in confusion.

"Minjun, the Crown Prince, I can't find him." You frowned as Hoseok's brows furrowed.

"He's missing? Oh no." Jimin brought his hands to his face anxiously. He rushed over to your side, placing a hand on your shoulder. "We'll help you find him, my Queen!"

"Yes, your Majesty! We'll assist you so please do not fret any longer!" Taehyung said as the two nodded. Hoseok shook his head at them as he looked at you with pursed lips.

"Minjun is with the King, your Majesty. He took him out of the room about an hour ago and I was with him at the time," Hoseok stated as you felt your heartbeat relax. Minjun is with his father? This was great news and also it made you want to shake Namjoon. Letting out a heavy sigh, you groaned and kicked the ground. All that worrying and stress! At least Minjun is safe and being watched. "I told the King you would panic, but he said you would be calm about it."

"Calm!?" You laughed as your marched up to jab Hoseok in the chest. Taehyung and Jimin snickered in the background, clearly amused with you attacking the messenger. Hoseok was visibly frowning at you as he held his hands up to show his innocence. "Lead me to Namjoon this once! I need to talk to him."

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