Lonely Fate

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The King never left his room the entire time you stood out his door. You expected him to possibly speak to you again through the door. Any sort of interaction from him would have eased your worries. Nothing came from him at all. You stayed outside his doors until you were shivering in your hanbok. It had become night and your clothes weren't warm. Instead of your usual heavy and warm armor, you were still dressed for his coronation. A part of you wondered if you would have to stay outside the entire night. Rubbing your arms, you felt relieved when you saw Seungwon at the bottom of the steps. He ordered a group of guards to stay outside of the King's room. It was their new post now.

Seungwon gave you a small nod, giving you permission to head back to the angel quarters. You bowed your head at the young master before running off. While you headed towards the angel quarters, Hwayoung appeared next to you. Already you knew you would be her cover if any of the angels got nosy. Soon the two of you entered the small hut at the same time, seeing the others either already in bed or getting ready. Sighing tiredly, you were ready to switch out into comfortable sleepwear and hide under your covers. This night was incredibly cold!

Later in the morning, you stirred softly as Solji was the first to wake up. She had her armor on while Jeonghwa and Heeyeon were getting ready for the day. They weren't bothering to be quiet since you knew you had to get up too. Turning on your side, you wiped your eyes as you yawned. The only two complaining were Hyojin and Hyelin. Those two shared a bunk bed and they were the ones hardest to wake up. Especially Hyojin. Solji was laughing as she kicked at the bed, disturbing the peaceful rest the girls were trying to get. You couldn't help but laugh yourself as Hyojin groaned.

"I'm up! Are you blind?" Hyojin covered her eyes with her hands. "Stop kicking!"

"You'll only fall asleep again if I stop!" Solji sighed before looking over at Jeonghwa. "Make sure they get up."

"Yes, Unnie!" Jeonghwa jumped onto her feet with a less than innocent smile. It's a good thing Hwayoung and you were already waking up on your own. The last thing you need is Jeonghwa torturing you to wake up. Heeyeon held in her giggles as Jeonghwa began to attack Hyojin. There was a lot of screaming that you blocked out. You had to get ready for the day ahead of you.

While Jeonghwa was doing her best to pull Hyojin off of her bed, you brushed out your hair. Hwayoung was already one step ahead of you as she placed a pretty pin inside her hair. It was a beautiful pink jeweled flower that caught your attention right away. It was her family emblem, but you've never seen her wear that before. With the way she was smiling, you had an idea on where she got it from. You had to admit that Seungwon had taste. A gorgeous gift and no one would question it if the pin was of her family emblem. Yours was of a little bird. A dove. All the angels had a specific one just like the royal family did as well.

With your hair brushed and up, you quickly went to switch out of your nightwear into your armor. It wasn't the most flattering outfit for a lady. When you first put on armor, your father was frustrated at the sight. Only your mother didn't blink an eye at it. She did the same for the former King seeing as she was a former angel too. She was relieved of her duties the moment the former King passed away, but you remembered how the past angels all cried. A part of them died. Their meaning in life had left the world. You rarely see your family anymore, but the rest of the angels shared a similar experience. All of your mothers looked lost. Unfortunately, Hyojin's mother was the only angel who took her own life as his only shadow. It was extreme when you were younger, but you've slowly grown to understand it yourself.

Hwayoung was still changing into her armor when you stepped outside of the humble home. There was a clean little pond right next to the home. Crouching down near it, you stared at your reflection for a bit. From the minute you were born, you were destined to protect the Crown Prince. It has been engraved into your mind that you can't think about doing anything else. You even knew yourself that being the King's shadow meant a lot to you. If he truly got upset by your actions yesterday and wanted to order your death for disobeying your orders, you would understand. This was how life worked and no one questioned it. Cupping your hands in the pond, you splashed your face and shivered.

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