Consistent Mistakes

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A shadow probably shouldn't be avoiding their King just because they're embarrassed. No, you knew that should never be done. You also shouldn't have spoken to your King like that to begin with. It's so hard understanding what he wants from you though. One moment you believe you're comforting the King by being truthful and then he gets offended. He tells you that you're being shameless of all things. Then as soon as you begin treating him like a King, he gets uncomfortable and takes it back. He made no sense to you and you felt bad for feeling frustrated with him. In the end, you have gained a target on your back. There is no doubt about that.

The King trusts Solji as she is his physician and elder. His parents adored her when alive and she is also the leader of the angels. Then he holds respect for Hyojin for what she does and everything she has been through. Heeyeon kept up with him in his studies, gaining his approval just enough. As for Hyelin, he doesn't speak with her often, but he sees how useful she is to the palace. She also doesn't cause any problems for him. Jeonghwa is then younger than the King so he naturally lets her bubbly attitude slide even when she is supposed to be a little more serious. As for Hwayoung, she performed her job well and was Seungwon's woman. The King seems to be okay with her for that reason.

Then there was you. Born the same year as him yet you were always conflicting when talking to him. He's a great King yet you told him he could possibly disappoint the entire nation. You smacked your face multiple times, wishing he had just whipped you for the things that came out your mouth. That would almost be a less painful experience. He didn't like the way you spoke to him and that was made clear right away. If you see him, you don't know what you would say to him. That's why you pleaded with Hwayoung to watch the King instead of you. Let her be his shadow for today while you go with Hyelin and Heeyeon to the wealthy merchant. He had some new items the King could offer to Lady Eunchae.

Luckily, Hwayoung accepted your pleads. She figured she would get to see Seungwon at least once today. She would do a much better job being the King's shadow anyway. She will follow his commands, not get in his way, or aggravate him. Looking back on all your recent interactions with him, you whined softly to yourself. Come on! You're supposed to be an angel. All these years of training for what? While Hyelin and Heeyeon rode their horses in front of you, you were following behind with an anxious look. Hopefully by the next time you meet his Majesty, you quit embarrassing yourself and be an angel he can respect.

"(F/n)! Did you fall asleep?" Heeyeon shouted, slowing down her horse. Hyelin panicked as she attempted to bring her horse to a sudden halt. Hyelin held onto her reins tightly, doing her best not to panic the large animal as you snapped out of your thoughts.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry!" You frowned.

"Don't worry. The trip to the merchant and back shouldn't take that long if something is on your mind." Heeyeon chuckled at your behavior. You were able to relax in front of her, happy she didn't bother asking you exactly what is was.

"How come someone else getting distracted almost killed me?" Hyelin panted, closing her eyes. "Ah, that wasn't fun."

"Don't get killed now. We have a job to do!" Heeyeon smirked before whipping down the reins on her horse.

"I know that!" Hyelin pouted until she saw your horse pass right by her. "Hey! Don't leave me behind!" She whipped her own reins, following closely behind the two of you.

Heeyeon and you laughed as she kept shouting nonsensical things at the both of you. Hyelin could always be a bit weird, but she was lovable. A majority of your own laughter was from how loud Heeyeon was snorting. She purposely wanted to tease Hyelin like this for her amusement. You let it happen without saying anything, only trying to go to this Queen approved merchant with them. The three of you entered the streets, slowing down your horses now that the roads were getting crowded with people. The capital was incredibly populated so that made travel a bit slow at the times. You were willing to be patient and Hyelin was only whining softly. Unfortunately, unnie did things her own way.

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