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Namjoon's P.O.V.


This was important and I couldn't figure it out. My mind continued to linger on the events of last night. (F/n) was alone with me until I finally let her leave. Though she didn't say it, it was obvious on her face. She was worried what the other angels would say about her staying with me for so long. The servants were sent away so it would be just us two. We're both clearly inexperienced so there was no reason for her to worry. Not that I ever planned on changing that with her. That did get me thinking though as she left me to sleep in my chamber. We have one last day before we leave for Lady Eunchae and there was one important thing I was lacking on.

I had all the gifts anyone could ever ask for. They were safely placed in the wagon, ready to be revealed for her and my uncle. They would catch her eye immediately. Then there was also the reasoning that I'm the King of Goguryeo and she could become my Queen with a simple yes. (F/n) said that was a title no one could resist and I had to agree. People are power craving creatures so I trusted that I would get Lady Eunchae's hand with that at least. Getting her to accept my proposal was no longer my main worry when it came to her though. It was the fact that my mother's last wish came with a second part. Producing an heir.

In that moment with (F/n), I quickly realized I knew nothing about women. I knew enough that they were anatomically different. From my viewpoint, they were a lot more sensitive and kinder. Gentle yet strong and dangerous at the snap of a finger. Then again, the seven women I grew up with are like a small army so I assume they're different from most women. It was obvious they didn't share the same qualities as the palace women. Pacing around my wing, I waited impatiently for Seungwon to arrive. I told a servant to request his presence for me. There was something important for the two of us to discuss. My burning question.

Pressing my thumb to my bottom lip, I tried to figure out a way to properly ask this question to Seungwon. There was a messy way in my head and then the straight forward version. Both were equally embarrassing to ask. Though we were both men, it hit my pride for that exact reason. I hoped that he wouldn't tease me. It was the one time I wanted his respect as King rather than have him treat me as a simple friend. I took in a large breath when I heard the chief eunuch announce Seungwon's presence. Tensing up, I faced the doors as naturally as I could. They opened wide for Seungwon before closing for our privacy.

"Calling for my presence so soon?" Seungwon chuckled as he bowed. He took his time making his way over to me and I wondered if he saw me gulp. "I take it that something is wrong. Today's the last day before you leave with the angels tomorrow morning for the journey. Does it happen to be about that?"

"You're sharp as ever," I grumbled. Seungwon smirked, amused by my less than pleased attitude.

"What worries you, my King?" Seungwon was getting too comfortable. He took a seat as I took a few steps towards him. How dare he make me walk towards him? He's supposed to come to me. I huffed in annoyance, but he continued to grin in my face. "What must I advise you on today?"

"I need advice..." I started, but I couldn't finish it. My throat closed up so suddenly that I was forced to stay silent. Why was it so hard to say? Seungwon raised a brow at me, tilting his head to the side. It's like he enjoyed what was going on even though he didn't have a clue on what I wanted help with. This was too embarrassing. "...on...women—"

"Women!" Seungwon almost jumped out of his seat. I immediately shushed him, not wanting servants to overhear our conversation. The last thing I needed was this spreading around the palace for the entertainment of my servants. They could be painfully nosy concerning personal royal affairs. "Women? Really? Why is that? Because you'll be traveling with them—?"

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