In The Next Life

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The servant had calmly bowed to the King, turning to bring him over to the angels. Namjoon thought nothing of the situation. He was hungry to eat something seeing as it was past noon already. The idea of food distracted Namjoon as he blindly followed the servant without question. There was no reason for him to question the servant who was only following orders. Nothing had appeared odd to Namjoon since he let his guard down with Lady Eunchae. He felt fine until he finally began to take notice of his surroundings. Lady Eunchae's home wasn't the big compared to his palace to begin with. So how come it felt like they've been walking in circles?

Namjoon furrowed his brows, swearing he's passed that building with the servant already. The angels can't possibly be that far away. He decided to stay silent for a few moments. If the servant decides to circle again then that's when he'll ask about it. The King was waiting as he trailed behind the servant, checking if they would make the same left turn they've been doing repeatedly. Then as expected, the servant turned left. That didn't sit well with Namjoon immediately. Questions appeared in his head as he wondered why the hell was he being led around like this? Why weren't they bringing him over to his angels? What was the point of this 'game'?

The King sighed heavily as he stopped walking. He was getting tired of keeping this up. He knew he wasn't stupid so why bother playing it? The servant walked a few steps forward before noticing that the King had stopped. They almost stumbled over their feet, looking over at Namjoon in nervous surprise. The King glared at the servant, stepping closer at a slow and intimidating pace. Namjoon didn't care about this random servant. If they were purposefully fooling him then he wouldn't hesitate to order Hyojin to end their life. This wasn't funny to him. Just as Namjoon was about to speak, another servant rushed out to whisper something into the other's ear. What's going on? Namjoon paused again, watching the first servant nod to the other.

"What's is this?" Namjoon growled. "I demand to know what's going on!" His voice roared, making both servants take steps back.

"We apologize, but we're just following our Lady's orders." They bowed.

"What?" Namjoon scoffed when he suddenly heard the pounding of multiple feet. The sound was familiar to when his guards were moving hurriedly to another area. It didn't take long for it to click in his head. Namjoon turned around, suddenly swarmed by Eunchae's guards.

It was tempting for the King to curse at the men. What the hell was all this? He couldn't believe they were following Lady Eunchae's orders so loyally. Did they forget who he is? They surrounded him to Namjoon's annoyance. He didn't have a single exit and he couldn't do much against over ten men. They all carried weapons with them compared to him. They're a lot more skilled at fighting than him too. Namjoon didn't even want to test that out. He scoffed, wishing that his angels would come rushing out. They would be able to save him. He needed them. Namjoon gritted his teeth as one guard walked up to him, grabbing his arm.

"Don't touch me!!" Namjoon brought his knee up to push them away. The second he became violent, the rest of the guards rushed to the center. "Who do you all think you are!?" Namjoon yelled as they restrained him. Hands grabbed him tightly, preventing him from even squirming. He was lifted off the ground as they hurried to take him away from the area. "W-Wait!"

Namjoon wanted to thrash his legs and swing his arms. He didn't want to feel as useless as he did. They were holding onto him so tightly. The only thing he could move freely was his neck, but that did him no good. Nothing besides seeing where they were taking him. The King grunted, wanting to fight back as he memorized exactly where they were taking him. He was being brought up a flight of stone steps, much further than where his room to stay was. Namjoon did his best to shout for help. He called for the angels desperately as he was taken against his will. His heart was pounding against his chest, fearing what would happen to him.

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