Mountain Dumplings

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After painful weeks of walking on feet, all of you were finally nearing the mountains more than before. Solji had to call everyone to rest tonight but she was certain that all of you would arrive and find a village by tomorrow evening. She would make sure that major progress gets completed tomorrow. Everyone was thrilled to finally reach the mountain. It was so close they could practically taste it. They couldn't stop sighing in relief this night before going to bed. They really were that happy about it? You could see why. That would have been you if you weren't in love with the King and his lover. You had your own reasons for not being as excited.

Namjoon and you have only been together for about two weeks and you wanted more. You didn't like the idea of your time running out. Going through the mountains would approximately take another month so you had time, but it might go with the blink of an eye. Depending on the weather and circumstances, reaching Lady Eunchae should take less than two months at this point. You completely hated it but smiled whenever the angels brought it up in excitement. That's what they expected out of you so you gave them that. Namjoon didn't bother smiling. He only agreed with it before changing the topic. They wouldn't press him about it if he didn't want to talk about it.

He wasn't too happy about his time running low with you. Eventually he would have to tell the other angels so they're not surprised when he says he doesn't want to marry Lady Eunchae. He was just struggling on what to say. Should he tell them he loves you first or that he doesn't want to marry Lady Eunchae? He didn't know which one sounded better, but he planned to tell them when they got out of the mountains. Things were still good right now and he wanted to have you as freely as he could without the angels being upset. The both of you knew things would get complicated the moment they know so it was better they didn't.

The two of you were doing better at being secretive. You were getting used to it and not minding it as much. Namjoon felt the same way compared to how he felt in the beginning. He finally grew the patience to wait for the kisses he craved. He would sneak some in when finding berries or searching for firewood with you. Along with making more time, you started taking the night shifts for the first half of each night. The two of you waited until all the angels were deep asleep. That's when Namjoon and you would cuddle and talk for a while. Then he would fall asleep as you woke up the next angel to do the other shift. The two of you haven't been caught yet so there was no harm in continuing.

"I love you," Namjoon whispered as he kissed your neck. He had his arms tightly wrapped around you, refusing to let you go for anything in the world. You smiled at his affection, leaning back into him. It was a bit ticklish so you tried to hold in your giggles. The both of you were a little far from the fire where the rest of the angels were sleeping. Namjoon was sitting against a tree with you sitting in between his legs.

"I love you too," You replied before raising your shoulders up to your head. "I'm going to laugh if you keep kissing my neck."

"I just want to kiss every part of you," Namjoon said huskily. Something about his deep voice saying that caused shivers to run down your body. It felt weird to be in between him at the moment. You felt shy now, but Namjoon only grew more comfortable as he pulled your closer. "I can't wait for when we get to have complete privacy."

"Is there something you have in mind?" You asked. Namjoon only sucked in a breath, shifting behind you as he nodded.

"I'll keep it a surprise until then." Namjoon gave you a large grin. A surprise? Your smile grew to hear that, swaying happily.

"Surprises are fun." You hummed. Namjoon hummed in return, chuckling to himself.

He rested his chin on your shoulder as the two of you enjoyed your time together. The fire crackling softly in the background and then the pretty moon glowing. It was a beautiful sight that you got to share with Namjoon. You couldn't always have special moments like this with him so when you did, you treasured them. They meant a lot and made your heart swell every time you thought about them. They made the best memories that you could ever ask for. You just wanted to remember this perfectly down to every detail. The way it feels to be sitting like this in Namjoon's arms. This was your happiness. The few times you just felt...normal.

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