17. Fight for Freedom: Part 1

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Ally's POV

I could hear everyone outside preparing for the war, but I had been stuffed back inside by Winston. I get that I look tiny, but I'm so tired of people underestimating me! To make matters worse, Vic had been sent back to his home along with Marc so that we didn't piss off any of the other wolves on our land. Now, all I had to do was stare at the ceiling and listen to Winston out there shouting at the pack members. However, I was really listening for his final command to attack so I could shove myself into the lines. People may think that doing this would be reckless, but I know I can handle it. I should be allowed to rescue my own brother!

"Alright, we have a plan! Is everyone confident with what they're supposed to do?"

I heard a loud uproar of cheers, and I managed to haul myself out of my bed. As soon as the sound of the party leaving became quiet, I climbed out of my window and tracked them through the woods. It was a very temperate night, and I could hear the bugs around me. Even though the anticipation was swirling intensely in my stomach, I was still able to appriciate the scenery around me. We were walking for almost 2 hours before I realized that the group in front of me had stopped.

"Alright. Gale, you take your group to the opposite side of the territory. Be very careful not to step into the land; they can sense you as soon as you do. Ben, you go to the left, and Fin go to the right. Try to surround the territory as soon as you can. Does everyone know the signal?" Orion commanded. I was surprised that Winston wasn't leading, but I guess that the other two boys have alpha blood that will make them want the lead. Everyone in the clearing nodded their heads, and all of the different groups began dispersing.

Finally, a possy of about 30 people remained in the clearing, and I felt a little bit of a thrill in my blood at the aspect of fighting. "Everyone here remembers what we're doing? When the Luna Llena pack is distracted by the rest of our men, we will sneak in to recover the Half Moon leadership before it gets too ugly. If we can, we aim to take over this land, but if we can't, we will want those who are already imprisoned to not be in there any more. This pack house is extremely similar to that of the Half Moon pack, so just go where you would put your prisoners."

I heard a long, eery howl from the left, a second one from the right, and a third one from directly ahead. Orion and the rest of the group stalked forward, so I assumed that the howls from the other directions were the groups going into battle. Instead of waiting for the slowpoke group on the forest floor, I ended up jumping from tree to tree like I had taught myself a long while ago. Once I saw the deserted pack house, I leapt from the final tree onto a second story window sill and climbed into the house. I will find Alex if it is the last thing I do.

I clawed through countless wolves, and I managed to make it through with only a few injuries. My arm was stinging from a bite, and I had a claw mark all the way across my chest that was bleeding pretty badly.

"Allystar what in the hell are you doing here!?" Winston shouted when he laid eyes on me.

"I couldn't just sit all alone in my bedroom while you fought!"

"Yes, you could have! I am supposed to protect you when Alex can't, and it's kind of hard when you just throw yourself into danger like this."

"I can protect myself! Why is everyone convinced that I need saving 24/7!?"

"Because your maturity level is approximately 0! Get out of here!"

"No. I'm saving my brother!" I stormed out of the room while the anger oozed out of my skin. Soon, I caught the scent of Alex, and I followed it all the way up to a room with the door torn off. When I ran in, I caught sight of my brother being held with a knife against his neck. His brown hair was sticking all over the place, and I could see the fear present in his emerald eyes.

"One step closer and the boy gets it," the man holding onto my brother shouted.

"You will release him!"

"No I will not! Do you actually expect me to let go of someone this valuable? We just have to figure out how to squeeze the magic from his pitiful body and our alpha can become all powerful!"

I pulled the little knife from my pocket before twirling the little weapon around my fingers. It was given to my by my mother the day before she didn't return, and I had taught myself how to have a deadly aim with the blade.

After a few tense moments in which the man pulled Alex closer, I threw the little knife directly into his heart. He released Alex out of pure shock, and the man's body fell onto the floor as blood poured from his wounds. I rushed forward to Alex's form, and I swiftly used my blade to pick the lock on his chains. As soon as he was free, Alex wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulders.

"I need to find Ash," he breathed before standing up onto unsteady legs.

"It's okay, he's going to be gotten by the other warriors."

"I don't care, I need to find him."

"Alex, you need a doctor. I won't allow you to go risk your life for Ash when you're hurt," I resolved before dragging him out of his room. I supported him all the way down to the first floor, but it was a lot harder to keep him from going after Ash.

Suddenly, one of the Luna Llena pack warriors leapt at us, and I wasn't quick enough to draw my weapon before I was forced onto the ground by an angry wolf. Just when I thought my life was over, the wolf fell over to the side with a loud whine. As I looked up, I noticed that there was a knife up to its handle in the poor wolf's side.

I jerked my head to the side to see Alex limping away from me towards where I assumed Ash was, but when I tried to get to him, I was thrown back into the fighting. Suddenly, I felt the worst pain spreading across my body, and I realized that my body was shifting for the first time.

Once the pain disappeared, I found myself much better at fighting the other wolves around me despite the fact that I had no training. The battle is still going strong, but we were all ready for it to last into the night. I just hope that Alex is alright...

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