14. Two Brothers

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Ally's POV

I stretched my body only to feel arms around my waist, and I suddenly remembered that Vic had spent the night with me in my room. I'm surprised that Alex hasn't burst in here yet and made a huge deal about Vic's presence, but maybe he learned his lesson the last time?

Victor began stirring beside me, and I couldn't help but smile at the adorable sound his yawn made. "Morning," he breathed against my face.

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and someone burst in through my bedroom door. "Sir Allystar," one of the pack guards shouted. Yeah, I wasn't expecting that one either. "Alpha Alex, Alpha Antony, and Luna Ashton are all missing!"

"Uhhh... What am I supposed to do about that?"

"You're the alpha's brother, you have to know what to do!"

"Isn't this whole take over the pack thing supposed to be Winston's job?"

"Both he and Marcus departed for South Carolina earlier this morning. We are currently unable to contact them because our communications are down."

"I guess it is my job then," I complained while hauling myself out of my bed, "but why is it important right now?

"There are two men at the front gate wishing to speak with the alpha. We do not know who they are or what they want; they won't speak to anyone other than Alexander. We need you to temporarily become Alpha so that they will leave."

"Fine. Also, I do want you to find my brother, please."

"Of course, Sir Allystar. We already have a search party set out."

"Good. Take the men to Alex's office and I'll be there in 10 minutes."

I swiftly threw on clothes and combed through my hair before turning around to see Vic had fallen back asleep. I swear this kid could sleep through the apocalypse without noticing. My hands pushed open my bedroom door, and I adjusted my posture to look stronger before walking down the hallways.

As soon as I got into Alex's office, the two people there bowed out of respect. How does Alex deal with this position? "Good morning, Alpha," the taller of the two introduced. "My name is Orion and this is my brother Zayne. I am the alpha of the Black Stone pack in South Carolina."

"It is very nice to meet you, but why are you here?"

"We are looking for someone by the name of Antony Canfield."


"We are his brothers as well. We are searching to launch an attack on our birth pack, and we're going to need all of the help we can receive."

"I will need to talk to my beta about this whole thing."

"Why? You're the Alpha."


"You aren't actually the Alpha, are you?"

"No, no, I am!"

"So do you know Antony Canfield or not!"

"What right do you have to yell at me!"

I watched the grown man before me flinch at my words, and I saw his eyes cast themselves upon the floor. "I'm sorry. It's just that we need to find him, and the only information we have on him is that he created this pack with other rogues. I don't know who you are, but we just need to find him. Not only to gain his support, but also to apologize for letting our father kick him out."

"I do know who he is, but I do not know where he is. He's my father, but he never raised me like my mother did."

"You have a mother? I thought that he and that vampire kid would stick together!"

"I don't know the whole story."

"Well even if you aren't him, you still have to help us. Our father– well, brother's– pack has a tendency to hold prisoners for no reason and use them as their own person stepladders. I would assume if you currently have anyone missing that they're in that horrid pack."

"As I mentioned before, I must speak with my second in command."

On cue, Winston burst into the office while panting heavily. Marc stood beside him with a hesitant hand on his mate's arm. "You called for me, Alpha?"

The discomfort in his face at calling me the alpha was almost too obvious, but I chose not to skip a beat when replying, "Yes, Winston. This is Alpha Orion and his brother Zayne from the Black Stone pack, and I guess they're my uncles. They are requesting our assistance in launching an attack on their father's pack."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, but I must speak to my Alpha alone."

"Of course. We will wait outside," Orion declared before dragging Zayne out of the room.

"Allystar, I had the pack's best trackers to follow your brother, and it lead them to a pack up north west. Although the scent was a few days old, we assume that Alex was following your father's scent. I then had Jerome and Kate, the scholars, figure out information on the pack. We found out that they are known as the Luna Llena pack. It translates to full moon in Spanish. We have learned that they were originally based in Mexico, but they moved into Georgia after their home was overtaken by vampires. Their leader, Damien Canfield, is known to be one of the most cruel alphas on the east coast. It is extremely important that we get everyone out of there as soon as possible."

"You're in charge, beta boy," I whispered.

"Call the other two in," Winston commanded. As soon as we were face to face with my uncles again, Winston began to speak to them as the one in charge. "We are willing to assist you in taking over your birth pack, but only because we need to run a rescue mission inside of it."

"I swear something is going on here. Obviously this boy is too weak to be your alpha, and now you're taking control."

"I'm offended," I kidded before being smacked discretely by Winston.

"You are correct. We were unaware of whether you were friend or foe, so we did not want to inform you of our current leadership situation. At this moment, our alpha appears to be in the custody of the Luna Llena pack. Since I was away at the time of your arrival, we stuck Ally in charge. He's the Alpha's brother."

"That makes a lot more sense."

"How exactly did you want to go about attacking the pack? I know that our warriors are constantly prepared to battle, but we do not know any of your wolves' moves."

"Considering that your alpha is in their custody, we don't have a lot of time to waste with idle meetings."

"I know that, but their pack is extremely strong. We can't just rush in there without a plan; our Alpha could end up hurt much more. We need to practice a little bit more until we can, in good conscience, take down the Luna Llena pack... For good."

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