15. Powers

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Alex's POV

"Where are you taking me," I snarled for about the tenth time before once again being brushed off by the warrior dragging me who knows where. We made an abrupt stop outside of a pretty regular looking door, but I had a feeling that whatever was behind it was bad news.

I was pushed into the room without seeing it first, but I was shocked to find that it looked like a mostly normal bedroom. The only difference was that there were bars placed over the windows and there were about 15 locks on the door. "Why is it so..." I trailed off since I was unable to find the right words to describe it.

"You're a specimen. We need you to be relatively taken care of as to not throw off whatever that blue shit inside of you is. Also, you're pregnant, and Alpha doesn't want you to get injured attempting to protect your little friend. That doesn't mean that you're getting off easy, though. I imagine that you'll be tested on to figure out why you're magic."

The man left the room, and I could hear the clicking of all 15 locks keeping me in here. I allowed my feet to move cautiously forward even though the full sized bed in the middle of the room was calling my name. I know that I should be happy that I'm not being killed, but I knew it just meant that Ash was unprotected down there.

I felt a kick deep in my stomach that made me collapse onto my knees on the little white carpet. "I know, baby. I want your father here too," I whispered sadly. Even though it could have only been 15 minutes, I could feel the bond becoming tense in my chest. When I finally managed to stand up, I found that there was an outfit strewn across the bed for me, so I reluctantly put on the clothes. As much as I don't trust these people, my original ones were starting to stick to my skin in extremely uncomfortable ways.

Even though my whole body was calling for sleep, I decided to sit at the desk instead with a book about some magical adventure or other. There wasn't any technology in the room, probably on purpose, so I wouldn't be able to tell my pack that we had been captured.

It was four in the morning by the time my eyes couldn't take being open anymore, and despite not wanting to, I slowly drifted away into the worst sleep of my life.


I woke up the next morning to my entire figure wet and cold, and my body jerked itself awake so quickly that you could swear I was the flash. I heard someone chuckle to my left before I realized that I was tied to a metal chair in some other room.

When I opened my eyes, I saw some sort of boy pacing in front of me. "What do you want from me?" I stammered. The air around me was cold even through my usually thick skin, so I found myself shivering slightly. I saw a smirk plastered across the strange man's face, and I felt my nerves never ending in my stomach.

"You're a very interesting one, aren't you. I've never seen a pregnant man before."

I struggled against the bindings keeping me on the chair, but they ended up just getting tighter the more I shifted. "What do you want from me!?" I repeated.

"I was called in by my alpha to figure out why you had some magical powers. I'm not going to lie, you're very pretty." His hand went underneath my chin in one of the most creepy ways possible, and I immediately jerked my face away from him with a shudder of disgust. "I do have to wonder how I'm going to coax this power out of you, but we'll figure it out together, won't we."

As he threatened me, his hand had migrated to find itself on top of my baby bump, and I automatically snapped my teeth as close to his face as I could get. "Don't mess with my child!" I commanded angrily, and I could already feel the power stirring in the bottom of my stomach. No! Go away!

"Ooooh, I think I just figured out how to get the power to show itself!"

I growled lowly at him, and when I saw him pick up a knife from the side table, I began to jerk at the ropes around my chest and thighs. The man approached with the knife raised towards me, and in my desperate panic, the power burst out of me to throw him into the opposite wall.

Even though he was winded, I could hear knife guy laughing when he finally managed to stand up again. As much as I tried to shove the power back into myself, the man in front of me was officially classed as a threat, so I wasn't able to turn it off.

I felt something fasten onto my right temple, but I could figure out what it was since my body was suddenly in undeniable pain. I screamed at whatever was happening to me; it felt like someone was trying to pull a cat through a too small hole. I heard someone shout a quiet, "Come on!" just before the door slammed open. I could barely see through the tears in my eyes, but there was a lot of red floating around in my vision. I was getting steadily weaker, yet the power corsing through my veins made it impossible for me to slip under. Suddenly, the ropes around my body came undone, and I felt the pain all over my body decrease drastically.

"Alex, baby, I don't have long before they find out I'm missing. I need you to talk to me," I heard Ash beg from above me.

"I'll be fine," I stuttered even though the pain was still there.

"Alex, they were trying to extract the power from you. You can not let that happen, or we're as good as dead. In fact, we're probably already as good as dead."

When I stopped seeing double vision, I noticed a diagonal cut running from his left temple to his right cheekbone. My fingers brushed the mark, and I could feel his mood change. "That's unimportant. Right now we need to focus on keeping you safe; is that clear? Keep yourself safe, and I'll worry for myself."

"I tried to stay awake as long as I could last night, but it wasn't forever. I also couldn't keep the power down when he was coming for my stomach with the knife. I'm trying, but my best isn't good enough!"

"When your best isn't good enough, you can fall back on me. I'm your soulmate; it's my job to protect you."

"But why can't I protect you too?"

"Alex, it's a fundamental part of me to keep you safe, especially when you're growing our child. I'll be fine as long as I know you're fine."

The door to the room slammed open, and four men dressed in black rushed forward to grab onto Ash.

"I love you, Alex. I always will, even if I don't make it out of here alive. Remember that."

"I love you too," I whispered just before a black cloth was placed over my face to send me into darkness.

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