Chapter Fifty-Five

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"I have an idea."

Within the next half hour, you and Medic managed to tie Engineer up to a chair in the Medbay. You even added duct tape for good measure. With all of the commotion, everyone was up except Scout. You and Medic told them exactly what had happened. You expected some kind of shock, but not everyone was surprised. To be honest, you had to admit it didn't seem too crazy, but Engineer was usually considered the most sane if anything. Spy offered up the fact he was acting strange for a fair bit, and the others agreed.

They each offered to interrogate him for you, but you only accepted Spy's help. You had a feeling they would get a bit too rough after hearing what happened to you, especially Demo. Instead, you let everyone go to sleep, but Soldier took a lot of convincing, so much so that you agreed to let him guard the Medbay. You weren't sure why, but it made him happy.

Here you were. Spy, Medic, and you all sat around Engineer wondering when he'd wake back up. Periodically, Medic would check his pulse to make sure he hadn't died and would respawn. Eventually, though, Spy got fed up.

"Zis is pointless!" He angrily muttered and stood up. Without even hesitating, he slapped Engineer across the face.

He didn't respond to it, so assuming he was still knocked out, Spy went to fill a cup of water. You heard Medic sigh heavily through his nose. You turned to your right and looked at him with concern. He had his chin in his hand and was hunched over resting his elbow in his knee. He was looking at Engineer worriedly, but his mind also seemed to be elsewhere. Beneath the worried look in his eye seemed to be anger and confusion. You weren't sure how to address it, but you didn't have the time to. Engineer groaned in pain and lifted his head slightly.

"What in tha sam hill?" He mumbled, grimacing. You watched Medic study him under a scrutinizing gaze. Then, Spy came back and dunked the water over him, dropping the metal cup onto him.

"Oops. I slipped."

"I was already awake!" You could feel Spy's smirk despite not seeing his face. Spy went back to his seat, but refused to sit down. You watched Engineer struggle against the restraints and scowl. "Let me outta this!"

"Let me think.. No." Angered, Engie fought harder, but then cried out in pain. He seemed to agitate the wound still in his stomach. Medic refused to heal it. His wails made you wince slightly, but when you looked at Medic, he had a small, sadistic grin. You should have known he would enjoy that.

"Whah won't ya just let me out or at least patch me up!"

"Well, after hearing what 'ou did to our Strategist, zat will not be possible." Engie suddenly became quiet and still. "Glad to know 'ou understand what you did. Now, we 'ave a few questions for you."

"And what if I don't talk?"

"We 'ave time to wait. I thought 'ou would talk when you had ze chance. How unfortunate." With that, Spy walked towards his room while Engineer grumbled to himself. Medic moved to the desk to do... something. You were afraid of having to sit alone in front of him, but Spy thankfully came back with a book. As he sat back down in the chair to start reading, you decided it would just be best to do something productive.

After a quick trip to your room, you retrieved your laptop to catch up on some school. You felt Engineer's eyes on you, making you a bit more self conscious than you would have preferred. Still, you didn't let it stop you while you sat down in your chair. You signed into the practice program your dad gave you. There was a lot you could do. I guess I have time...

Even half an hour later, you could still feel Engineer looking at you. Every so often, you'd hear Medic shuffle papers around or hear the fabric of Spy's suit rub against each other while he'd recross his legs. Without even realizing it, another hour had passed and you were finishing up another round of writing mechanics. Good riddance. You really didn't want to do math right now. I'll do it tomorrow then. Instead, you clicked on a new tab to look at potential language practice. Interested, you decided to investigate what they offered.

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