Chapter Sixty

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You watched his red suit leave the room, scared shitless. Well, maybe you were? You weren't exactly sure how to feel. All this drama left you feeling burnt out, and you really didn't want to start anything with Spy. Why the fuck did I do that?

You tried to ground yourself before you started overthinking. You were sitting in your chair, your plan was made, and the potentiality of college... best not to think about that right now. You were technically ready to enroll in a college now that you've been practicing... you think. A sigh found its way out of your mouth. I should check on Engie.

You walked briskly, thankfully in the opposite direction of where Spy went to his room (you think). Part of you was excited to see Medic and Engie, but the other part of you still felt.. Off. You couldn't quite explain it, but it felt a little awkward after everything that happened. Maybe it was a "you problem." It probably was. After all, you both apologized and explained everything to each other. Maybe it was your run in with Spy that made you realize that you could push buttons not meant to be pushed.

You shook it off. You had other things to worry about and you were probably just overthinking. Besides, you're ready for your battle, and you really wanted Engie's approval of your plan. Once you reached the Medbay doors, you stopped.

Do I ruin all of the new relationships I start? I haven't talked to my friends, my dad is repulsed by my decisions, Engie, Medic, and Demo all nearly killed each other in one way or another, and now Spy... no. That doesn't feel right to believe. Heavy and I are doing good, and so are my relationships with everyone else.

You looked up at the sky once more, kind of thinking about your church life. Yeah, you went, but you never really knew if you believed in all of it or not. Did you ruin your chances at a potential heaven by killing? Are you now a monster for being a murderer? You groaned, your head starting to feel heavy with all of those thoughts.

If I go to hell for being a murderer, at least I'm going with my friends. They were my first friends as a new, well, a new me. It's kind of nice not being the oldest of my friend group anymore. Who is the oldest out of these guys? You absentmindedly bit your lip and kind of chuckled. I bet it's Spy or Medic.

You felt a gust of air hit your face. Now to be fair, I have no clue what I'd learn about being an adult from these guys. They're mercenaries, and that's not exactly what I want to do with my life in the long run... I mean, is it? I haven't put a lot of thought into it in a while. I always just focused on doing all of the hard classes to up my GPA, and-

"Hallo? Earth to Strategist? Or whatever jou Americans say," you heard a familiar voice break you out of your thoughts. Embarrassed slightly, a chuckle escaped your lips. Your focus shifted back into position as you looked up, seeing Medic.

"Yes, Medic?" You asked innocently, not trying to reveal your inner thoughts.

"Vhat are jou zhinking about? You've been out here for eleven minutes." Eleven?

"Oh have I? My bad, I wanted to show you and Engie the plan I came up with for battle. I was running it through in my head again." Nice save. Really don't need them to know what I said to Spy... or anything else I thought about. It was kind of the truth, anyway. Medic smiled in his usual creepy way, but you think you were used to it by this point. He placed a knuckle to his chin, thinking.

"Vell, if our battle only lasts zhat long, jou may be better at zhis zhan I thought," he smirked at you, causing you to laugh a bit.

"That's only if everything goes perfectly, but yeah. Hopefully I mean." You shrugged as he seemed to stare at you, probably lost in his own thoughts. It made you a little uneasy after a while. "A-anyway. May I come in?" A look of confusion swept over his face before he shook his head slightly and smiled.

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