Chapter One Hundred and One

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You were already geared up in the respawn room for the battle. Last night, you didn't know how to address one of your team members at your door, snooping on a critical conversation. So instead of confronting them, you silently watched them in fear as they walked away.

Now, no one seems to be acting out of the ordinary. Not many of your teammates can hide their emotions very well, so right now you had just assumed it was Medic. It's also the best-case scenario. I think. He won't confront me because of how he's been acting, and I also doubt he would go to Miss Pauling... at least not yet, right?

You shot a nervous glance over to the doctor, who already seemed apprehensive about the battle today in general. He seemed more upset about his role in the battle today, but he didn't bother to ask you about it. I just wanted him to talk to me, but now I'm worried about what he would say.

"ONE!" You jumped as the announcer started the battle. I can't be distracted.

"Yeah-ha-ha! Let's get 'em Strats!" Scout high-fived you before leading the both of you down the path you taught him. I'm doing this for him. I can sort the rest out later.

As the battle went on, you couldn't help but feel guilty at how excited Scout seemed to be. Who knew he'd want this so much? The man was performing at a level you haven't seen before..., and you couldn't concentrate. It's not fair for him.

It would be okay as long as Demo hit his mark. Yeah, leaving such a crucial point in the plan to just one teammate was a rushed decision, but you had planned it after the scare last night. Stop letting yourself get distracted!

You dove into a rocket as a pyro, blasting it away from Scout. He was using his... great personality to taunt the BLU Soldier. Distracting him was important to keep him away from a point he was guarding. When being cocky comes in handy, I guess.

Admittedly, this wasn't a favorable position. The RED team had only one point left, and you and Scout were trying to pave a way for Demo to recapture the one you lost. This plan was meant to be a back-up. I hadn't exactly expected them to try this time. That makes me sound awful.


"Shit! Strats-" Scout's warning was cut off by another rocket. Fuck! Your teammate was sent to respawn. Where did Demo go? You frantically looked around while continuing to airblast rockets now aimed at you. Damn this mask!

Demo was nowhere to be found, not even in the form of spare parts! He didn't ditch us did he? Suddenly, the BLU Soldier started laughing and rocket-jumped away... towards your point. NO!

You switched out of the class suit to try to breathe. You ducked away to hide somewhere, frantically looking at your tablet only to find that the majority of your team was in the respawn. Where did Demo even go? He was still alive. Not doing well, but breathing. Why did he ditch us? You cursed under your breath. Even if they respawn in time, they wouldn't be prepared to fight again.

We're gonna lose.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...," you crouched as you sought out a hiding place amongst the rocks. This is really bad. You were lucky enough so far to not have come face-to-face with dying again, but the fear felt... real. Why am I freaking out like this? You wrapped your arms around yourself tightly in the hopes that you'd quell your own shaking.

"You failed!" The announcer called in your team's speakers. Stop! Control your breathing. You're better than this! You have to be quiet and still! You fought the urge to squeeze your eyes shut as you heard men shouting and guns firing.

Then you heard heavy footsteps come closer to your spot. At this point, in a desperate measure, you had your hand covering your mouth and nose. As the crackling of a charged weapon made its way closer to your ears, you couldn't keep your eyes open.

"Why do you cower?" You recognized the voice. It was the BLU Heavy. Just make it quick. "Answer me! Why do you cower?"

All you could do was try to control the shaking of your head. You felt fear, disappointment in yourself, and embarrassment of being caught this way. Then you felt a presence right in front of you. Fearing for the worse, you were shocked to feel your chin lifted up.

"Look at me," the Heavy commanded, though his voice was softer. You forced your eyes open. The BLU Heavy looked down at you, and he had bent on one knee with his weapon to the side. "You do not cower. Why do you cower? Zhis is not the Strategist I have seen."

"I-," your voice got caught in your throat. Just make it quick! "My chip... it didn't work the last time. I don't know-" But you couldn't finish the words.

A flash of anger and disappointment found its way into the Russian's eyes. He let out a large and heavy sigh but shook his head.

"Why?" He asked you.

"W-What?" You asked in confusion

"Why did your team make you fight?" Anger entered his voice once more. "When they knew! They were not sure!"

"I-I don't know..."

"What doktor...?" He narrowed his eyes before leaning back to stand up. He grabbed your hand as he did so and pulled you up, much to your wobbling legs' dismay. He steadied you by your shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I-," you cleared your throat. "Yes, thank you." Though still antsy, it became clear to you that the BLU Heavy was not going to kill you. He appeared to be much more upset by something else. You had stopped shaking so violently and became able to stand on your own.

"My doktor will see you. He will be better." BLU Medic?


"You will visit our base. I will not fight you. We will not fight you. You must be healed first."

"How am I going to get there?" Heavy hummed as he pulled out damaged paper from an inside breast pocket. He mumbled to himself, jotting down a note. What he handed to you was an address with slightly spelling errors, but you understood it.

"Come. There is ceasefire before our next battle." He stood up and lifted his gun. "I must leave now. Good-bye."

Without another word, he turned and ran towards the direction of his own respawn. You looked down at the address once more. Who would let me drive there?

Still a bit unsteady, you made your way back to your respawn where your team was waiting. As you got closer, you heard shouting.

"I don't wanna ask you again, pal! Where were ya? You let me get blown up and left Strats alone!" Scout was raising his voice at Demo, who appeared to have never respawned. His clothes were still dirty and he had cuts on his cheek.

"What's it to-ya! We lost! There's no goin' back from that!" Demo retorted, only resulting in Scout crying out in rage as he threw his hands up.

"YOU let us lose! Can't ya get dat through your thick skull?"

"My thick skull, lad-!"

"Strats!" Scout bolted towards you, checking you up and down as if looking for damages. "We- I was so worried you got killed and didn't respawn again!" And then he stopped, searching your eyes. "What happened?" I guess the panic is still all over my face.

"Lass! I-" Demo had stepped over, his hand reached out which Scout slapped away.

"Get away fro-!"

"Stop!" You butted in, the release of your shout allowing tears to finally form. "We'll deal with it later! Please! Let's just... get back to base already." You moved past both of them and beyond quiet teammates towards the RED Bread Truck.

The ride back was silent.

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