Chapter Seventy-Two

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"How did 'our talk with Medic go?" Spy asked you a second time as he shut the door.

"It did not go, actually," you admitted. Spy raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? What changed his mind?"

"I have no idea, personally, but he couldn't look at me." Spy hummed slightly, placing his knuckle to his chin.

"Well, knowing his relationship with 'ou, he'll crack eventually." It was your turn to raise an eyebrow.

"'Knowing his relationship' with me, huh?" You smirked as he struggled to find words, caught off guard.

"I-I thought it was obvious after 'ou two made up!" Spy cleared his throat, obviously trying to recuperate his suave personality. "'Ou are special to him."

"What do you mean by that?" You asked, mainly without thinking, and it came off as defensive. Spy shook his head.

"Not for 'ou to worry about just yet. Now, let us create a plan. I would personally like to see us work together." He smirked and you rolled your eyes. "It would make ze place more bearable."

"You and everyone else."


Time passed and eventually you found yourself with a decent plan. You swapped between classes more often and would (hopefully) make everyone happy. You yawned as Spy declared it done. You had no idea how late it was.

"So, allow me to escort 'ou to 'our room, madam," Spy stood up and offered his hand. You gently pushed it away as you stood up from the couch.

"Spy, it's just right across the hall. I think I'll be fine," you laughed quietly, afraid of disturbing the others.

"How do 'ou know the BLU team isn't here again tonight?" Spy leaned in close to you, causing you to instinctively back up.

"What could they gain from being here tonight? There are no tricks they could pull unlike last time, and it's possible they believe they'll just outsmart me in battle again... like last time." You spat that one out, still not happy about what had happened, even if you felt better about what they did.

"I insist, Strategist." You started shaking your head. "Just for my own sanity." With a huff, you nodded and Spy, sighing with relief, opened his door for you.

You walked out into the hallway, realizing how late the two of you stayed up planning. Wow, I really have to go to bed if I want to be ready tomorrow morning.

"So," Spy cut you off from your thoughts, but he didn't continue.

"Yes?" You asked, looking up at him. He glanced at you and then looked away.

"Did 'ou mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"Zat I seemed like a good father..." He trailed off. You scrunch your nose slightly,

"I didn't say you were a good father, but I did say you would have been a good one. At least to me. I don't know how you were when you had Scout, but as of right now, I bet you've changed, Spy." Spy scoffed.

"In what way?" He slowly turned to look at you as you both stopped in front of the door.

"Well, you left Scout..., but you're consoling a wimpy cry baby now. I'd say that's a good change, sir." Spy smirked, but dropped it as a new thought crossed his mind.

"Are 'ou alright? In ze realm of family I mean..." he trailed off. You sighed slightly, looking down.

"I... guess? I mean, you saw what my father did. He disowned me, and I bet he's told my mother not to reach out to me. Not to mention any friends I considered family don't talk to me... This team is all I have." You looked up with an awkward smile to find Spy with the most sincerely concerned look you've ever seen him have on his face. He let out a long sigh.

"I see. Well, I suppose 'ou 'ave my support, but do not show zat in front of ze others. It's embarrassing. I don't understand how ze Demoman can do it." He straightened his jacket before raising an eyebrow, looking around. "Assuming 'ou are not filthy... would 'ou desire... merde... a hug?" He slowly raised his arms, but started putting them down when he noticed your expression.

"No! I would love to!" You whisper-shouted, afraid you made him uncomfortable.

"Quiet!" He crossed his arms and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You will not tell a soul, correct?"

"Correct, Spy." You smiled, and in response he gave you his usual smirk, which you've come to interpret as a smile from him.

Looking around one more time, he held his arms out. With a small raise of an eyebrow and a smirk from you, he rolled his eyes as you closed the distance.

The hug itself was short lived, and felt very awkward, but there was something underneath it. It was something you couldn't quite place and you didn't know why, but when you pulled back, Spy was smiling. He straightened his suit.

"Goodnight, Strategist," he whispered, the smile not having faded.

"Goodnight, Spy," you whispered back, a small smile of your own settled on your lips. He parted ways, but looked back to watch you enter your room and close your door.

After getting ready for bed, you passed out as soon as you hit your sheets, feeling that unplaceable feeling.

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