Chapter Fifty-Three

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You woke up to hear Sniper grumbling at his coffee maker.

"Bloody broken piece of piss...," he trailed off, tossing his mug on the counter.

"Is everything okay, Sniper?" You asked him, getting up from the bed. You felt the warmth of the blanket leave and shivered slightly.

"Oh yeah. I just have-ta go inside to get moi mornin' brew 's all." Sniper turned to face you and smiled. "So, how'd ya sleep, Sheila?"

"I slept really well! Thank you. How did you sleep?"

"Just loike a cat." Sniper stretched and his spine popped.

He laughed it off. The man was already fully dressed and looked as if he was ready for the day. It made you question what time he gets up in the morning and also how he got dressed in this tiny van, but you didn't want to give yourself a headache thinking about it for too long. He probably just went to his room.

"So," Sniper snapped you out of your thoughts. "Think you're ready to handle getting back to the team? Can't imagine that Texas bloke will be too happy seeing ya with little ole' me." You sighed, suddenly feeling much older than you were.

"I know... I know I'll be fine, but it's just really weird to see someone I viewed as a friend just suddenly turn around and act... the way he is. Sorry, I know we have more important things to worry about. This is your job, after all. I know you like to remain professional." You smirked to yourself, looking into Sniper's shades. Despite not being able to see his eyes, you knew you were making eye contact.

"I-," Sniper let out a breath and shook his head. "Sheila, what part of this would make ya think this is professional?" He laughed, but you only mustered a smile. "Besides that matter, as much as I value moi job, I care about ya a lot more. I may be a loner who prefers sleepin' in his humble abode-" he gestured to his van "-but I know that we're a team. Therefore, I need ya to be in top shape to fight alongside me."

"Thanks, Sniper."

"Don't mention it, Strats. You need to have more confidence in yourself. You're a lot more special than ya seem to think yourself as." Your smile brightened and you let out a laugh that matched your smile.

"Aww Sniper! You're going to make me cry!"

"Hey! Not on moi watch!" Sniper laughed. "Ya ready ta go?"

"You bet."

Sniper nodded and let you follow him out of his van to the door of the garage. Without a reason you could conjure up, he snuck his head around the edge of the doorframe to peek at the hallway. After taking a fairly long look for whatever reason, he finished opening the door and waved you on through.

Not hiding the confusion from your face, you went on ahead and made it to your bedroom door without much incident. You turned back just as Sniper closed the garage door behind him. He tipped his hat to you. With a nod in return, you entered your room.

You shut it quietly behind you and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"So, care to explain where 'ou were?" Spy materialized in your chair. Though you were ready to jump out your skin, you didn't feel up for that. You didn't bother hiding your surprise in your eyes.

"Why? Interested?" You crossed your arms over your pajamas. Spy rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm just in your room for no reason."

"Well if you just put it that way I would have just let you in!" You laughed, making fun of his sarcasm. He huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Please! I have a headache." You let one more chuckle escape before shutting yourself up. You sighed, feeling slightly bad for potentially making his headache worse. Curse how much I care about others.

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