Chapter Sixty-One

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You did your best to push... whatever just happened out of your mind. Maybe he didn't mind it? But his face... fuck. He's not touchy with anyone, but I thought I was different? I don't know. Am I? Best not to dwell on it right now.

You looked up to, thankfully, not find Spy in the living room. It was just Demo and Sniper. Demo looked passed out, but there was no bottle of scrumpy to be found. It was only dinner-ish time. What's got him so tired?

You looked over to find Sniper sharpening his machete again, but he seemed a tad bit frazzled. Concern or frustration haunted his face while his movements were erratic. Tomorrow is the battle... is what they all have said true? You watched a frown form on Sniper's face. You didn't think he even registered that you were there. Better not bother him right now.

You checked the kitchen to find nobody. This meant you would have to talk to people in their rooms. Who would be best to help you replan? Definitely not Scout, he'd try to take the glory of it all and overestimate his strength. Heavy might be a good choice, but depending on how much he cares about the whole respawn thing... He cares just as much as Engie. Not a good idea. Demo's passed out, I can't talk to Pyro, and Sniper seems... I don't know. I just don't want to mention anything like this around him. Medic and Engie are in the Medbay resting... so that just leaves... shit. I can't. Can I?

You shook your head and grabbed a water bottle. Maybe if Engie agreed with the plan, I could've used his blueprints to fix the water filter. Well.. maybe it's just best to buy a whole new one at this point. But who has the money to buy a- nope. Bad idea. Or is it?

Nervous about the potential confrontation, you chugged the water bottle. This sucks ass. After you were done, you tossed the empty bottle into the recycling can. I mean, I can drive into town, but I've never been there before. I'm afraid I'd get lost. Besides, the money I brought couldn't replace a water filter for a whole building. You sighed, knowing what you have to do.

You seemed to drag yourself over to Spy's room. You were tapping your foot on the floor, unsure of how to react to him saying he never wanted to see you again. No, he hasn't said that. Just as you lifted your hand up to knock, the door swung open followed by a small groan.

"What iz it?" You slowly lowered your hand and started absentmindedly twiddling your thumbs, noting the... the whole begrudging tone in his voice. "Well Strategist?" His accent was heavier than normal.

"I- uh," you cleared your throat. You could ask about the French powerpoint, but now wasn't the time. "I wanted to ask for your help-"

"With what?"

"The plan. I showed it to Engie and Medic, and they hated that I'm being used as bait.


"I wanted to ask for your help rewriting that part.." Spy sighed.

"Why iz zis my problem?"

"It isn't-"

"Then I bid 'ou good day." He started swiftly closing the door, but you stopped it with your foot.

"I'm sorry."

"I do not care," he grunted, trying to push your foot out of the doorframe.

"Please Spy. You're the only one with sense around here!" Spy sighed, realizing he couldn't close the door.

"And?" He looked up at you with a look in his eyes you couldn't place. It almost looked like betrayal.

"I need you. No one will listen to me except you. You're literally-" Spy held his hand up for you to stop, which you happily did in fear that continuing would embarrass you.

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