Chapter Ninety-Three

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You weren't sure when you finally fell asleep. The realization of what Scout pointed out kept you up much longer than you intended. Despite your new-found fear, you still decided to go through with your plan. You had to talk to the other team. The end goal... the why... you would figure that out later.

It was when you heard snickering that you finally opened your eyes. The room was bright, and it blinded you for a moment as you sat up.

"Rest well?" Demo's cheeky grin came into focus, startling you. He laughed at your wide eyes, causing you to groan.

"What time is it?" You asked, the grogginess in your voice apparent. You stood up and started collecting your blankets.

"Oh come now! No need ta jump to anythin'! You aren't late!" You frowned at Demo, giving him a look. Other members of your team shifted into focus behind you as the sleep left your head. Sniper and Heavy stood behind Demo. They seemed amused, but you weren't trying to decipher their expressions at the moment.

"What time is it?" You asked again, your voice more firm. Demo faltered, silent for a moment.

"It's seven, lass." Do you really need to be so rude to him?

"Thank you, Demo." You sighed, hugging your belongings close to your chest.

"WAKE UP YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING MAGGOT!" Soldier's voice boomed, causing you to jump and stagger slightly. You leaned away from Demo, who instantly reached out to steady you. You squint your eyes as you turned around to where Scout was sleeping.

"AUCK! GEEZ! Cut it out, man!" Scout screeched as Soldier forcibly shook him awake. A part of you laughed slightly, but remembering what Scout told you last night about his relationship with the others... you frowned.

Once Soldier stopped his attack on Scout's blankets, Scout sat up. His irritation was evident from his frown to the way he rubbed his neck.

"I don't think the couches were a good idea," you joked, smiling slightly. Scout looked up at you before sighing and laughing.

"No kiddin'."

"GET! UP! YOU ARE BURNING DAYLIGHT, SON!" Soldier threw Scout's pillow at his face. Scout ripped it off of him without a word and scooped up his stuff. He moved towards you before motioning to the hallway in an "after you" gesture. With a small smile, you led him to the hallway.

"That was rude," you commented as Scout filled in the spot to your left.

"Heh, no kiddin'. Did you sleep as well as I did?" He nudged your side, causing you to laugh.

"Define 'sleeping well,' and the answer will still probably be no."

"Yeah..." He trailed off, leaving you slightly uncomfortable. You glanced over at him to see his eyes lost in thought. You walked up to your door, and he stopped suddenly, as if not expecting it.

"See you during breakfast?" You offered an upbeat goodbye, not sure whether to address the awkwardness.

"Uh-yeah. Yeah." Scout frowned. If you had seen this side of Scout more often, it wouldn't be so unnerving to see him look so... concerned. Then, Scout opened his mouth. "Heya Strats, are you okay-?"

"Vhat are you two standing here for? Ve leave in thirty minutes," Medic seemed to materialize behind Scout. His face went pale and he coughed violently. You offered him a hand on his back for support and looked up at the doctor despite knowing you looked upset. Medic still stood up straight, gazing down at you under his glasses. With no response from the man, you helped Scout to his room.

You didn't bother to look around... or try to figure out the smell. You grabbed his cup from the sink and put water in it before rushing back to Scout, still coughing on the side of his bed. You offered him the cup, reminding him to drink slowly with a comforting hand on his shoulder. Eventually, his breathing returned to normal, and he let out a weak laugh.

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