Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Wait, right now? What about lunch?" You asked and stopped walking, pulling away. You didn't really care about lunch, but you really didn't want to talk to him.

"Yes right now! Ve don't haff to eat with everyvone. I can bring zhe food to zhe Medbay," he answered and attempted to lead you once again to the Medbay.

Well there goes my good day. Dang it. You reluctantly let him take you to the Medbay. Once there, he pushed you inside.

"Sit zhere, I vill get lunch," he instructed while pointing to a medical bed and left to the kitchen. You sat down and awkwardly messed with your fingers until he eventually returned. He held two plates balancing cups of water with him like a waiter and handed you a plate. It was a macaroni dish, and it looked good. You took it as carefully as you could, but you still managed to make the plate threateningly wobble.

"Woah!" You snatched the water cup up right before it could tip over and Medic huffed in exasperation. You felt the back of your neck heat up from embarrassment and you gave an awkward chuckle. "S-sorry..."

He sat down on another bed so close to you that your knees were almost touching. You wanted to back up to put more distance between you both, but you already screwed up once. It wasn't worth making him more annoyed than he already was. You sat the cup down beside you.

"Vhatever," he dismissed, waving away the mishap. You picked up the fork and started eating, and just as you thought, it was delicious. Despite how good the meal was, you couldn't relax and eat comfortably. Your back was tensed up, and your eyes kept scanning the room. Beads of sweat ran down the back of your neck as you slowly became more and more uncomfortable. Medic on the other hand, was doing fine. He didn't seem to notice what-so-ever that your hands were shaking. You took a deep breath and calmed down. No need to overreact.

"S-so, um, what did you want to talk about again?" You asked in a high voice. He looked up.

"Ah, yes. Vell I vas think ve'd just have a little chat and zhen jou could leave. Zhat's all," he gave you a creepy smile you thought was supposed to be reassuring. That doesn't answer my question, you freaky evil bulter. You nodded slowly and took a sip of your water to sooth your dry throat.

You kept scanning the room to keep yourself occupied while you ate. The Medbay was dimly lit and haunting. I wish to leave here, please. Medic was acting as if nothing bothered him, as if nothing strange was going on. How can he be like this? He was serious just a second ago and now it's like he's having the best day ever. What the Hell? It felt like ages before he looked up from his plate again and spoke:

"Now, vhat's bozhering jou?" He asked, practically staring into your soul. You started to get heated up. You.

"What do you mean, Medic?" You deflected, feigning ignorance. I thought we already sorted this out. You were there!

"Jou know vhat I mean. Vhy did you run out of my Medbay like a madman?" His brow furrowed. Oh, right. Wait, I thought you knew already?

"Didn't you already know? I explained it to everyone during that... awkward conversation...." You trailed off, slightly shrinking under his gaze. I can't relive that. I cringe at the thought of what I did.

"Right..., vell zhen, vhy do you stay up so late?" He leaned forward in a semi-threatening manner.

"How would you know? Do you stalk my room?" You leaned into him, meeting his little challenge with a sudden rush of confidence. Your foreheads were almost touching now. Are you the person who I hear at night you fucking creep? His face turned red, and he suddenly backed up.

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