· thirty ·

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I forced down the last of my dinner. The food tasted like poison after my interaction with Jungkook.

Do I want this? Do I want to fix our relationship? Is 'right person, wrong time' true? Am I better now with my independence? Am I confident enough to start a relationship? Does he even want a relationship? Is he referring to a friendship?

I groaned aloud and before I'd realised, I was out the door. The sun was long gone but it wasn't too late. Stores were still open and people were still out walking. I stopped outside a Starbucks and smiled slightly at a fond memory.

"I don't think Starbucks' drinks are actually good," Jungkook pouted. My jaw dropped.

"No way. Have you HAD Starbucks?" I gripped his shoulders.

"Yeah. And it sucks," he rolled his eyes.

"Starbucks isn't about the drinks. It's about the lifestyle," he said smugly.

"You sound like every white girl," I scoffed.

"Your point?" he retorted.

"I bet I can find a drink you'll love," I smirked.

"Bet?" he asked cockily.

"If you like it, you're paying for it," I said with my arms on my hips.

"Deal," he nodded as he firmly shook my hand. I squealed in excitement, grabbing his hand as I dragged him in. I excitedly looked at all the different drinks. There were so many options.

I ended up ordering two caramel macchiatos. It was my favourite drink and I was sure it'd be Jungkook's favourite drink too.

"Try it," I urged as I passed him the drink. A moment passed before a slow smile appeared on his face.


"I know. I know," I grinned knowingly.

"I love it," he said solemnly as he kept drinking it up.

"Then have it. My treat," I winked. He could only nod as he kept drinking it. I had to stop myself from cackling at how amusing this was.

"You're not just saying this to please me?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure I love this more than I love you," he said seriously. My jaw dropped and I slapped his arm.


Taking in a shaky breath, I entered it. It was empty since it was close to their closing time. I handed them some money and ordered two caramel macchiatos.


I stood nervously outside Jungkook's dance room. He was dancing like there was no tomorrow, putting his all into his craft. I gingerly knocked on the door and took a step back, waiting expectantly. The music halted abruptly and the door swung open. His eyes were hardened till they drifted to the drinks I had.

His eyes immediately softened and he looked away.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly.

"Can we talk? Please?" I gulped.


I gently nudged the drink towards him as I played with my hands on the cold marble table.

"I'm sorry," I started.

"So I've heard," he muttered bitterly. I snapped.

"Look. I'm really sorry for how I've messed up. I wasn't in the right state of mind. I was being forced into something I didn't want to do. Admittedly, that shouldn't be a valid reason for treating you and our relationship the way I did. But I've found my footing. And I want to start over," I said in one go. Jungkook toyed with his straw before looking me in the eyes.

"I'm not angry at you. I'm disappointed. I didn't realise how much you didn't trust me. You didn't trust me," he smiled sadly.

"I want to," I pleaded with my eyes.

"Can we please start over?" I begged. He remained silent. I sighed. The gears were turning in my head until a lightbulb went off. After a moment of silence, I slapped a bright smile on my face.

I stuck my hand out and looked Jungkook in his eyes.

"Hi. I'm Ji Ae. Kim Ji Ae. And I like caramel macchiatos," I said, shaking my drink for emphasis with my other hand. He stared at my hand in surprise. His lips rested into a gentle smile.

Before I knew it, his warm hands shook mine.

"Hi. I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. And I like caramel macchiatos too," he smiled with a small chuckle. I giggled in surprise too. My original fake smile was genuine this time.

"What else do you like?" I asked eagerly as I poked the straw through my drink and started drinking. He did the same and paused before answering.


The hours flew by and soon, I was yawning.

"Sorry, I'm just really tired," I apologised. He let out a hearty laugh.

"Thank you for this," he said earnestly.

"Thanks for not kicking me out yet," I joked and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad we're back," I said seriously. He nodded warmly. I basked one the warm, cosy atmosphere.

We're not together together. But at least we're together.

"How about sleeping before the sun rises?" Jungkook proposed sarcastically. I glanced at the clock that read '4am'.

"I like your attitude," I grumbled drowsily. He giggled at that.

"Carry me," I said, lifting my arms up, indicating a need for a piggy-back ride. He shook his head and instead of waiting for me to hop on, his arms securely carried me.

Bridal-style, he effortlessly picked me up from my seat and started walking. His warmth was inviting and I titled my head to his chest, snuggling in. My breathing steadied and I fell into the most comfortable sleep I'd fallen into in a long time.


Author's Note:
Yay! All's well! Or is it?

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