· three ·

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"Uhhhhh... Yeah, sorry about just now..." I said awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck. Awkward silence.

"Uhhh... No, it's fine," he said quietly. I started to rock back and forth on my heels of my feet.

"My mum wants to see you next week," I told him, not daring to look in his eyes after the horrifyingly embarrassing ordeal I'd just gone through. He hummed in response.

"Let's go home now?" he asked tentatively.

"Yeah! Right!" I agreed immediately, a slight buzz of what felt like electricity stung my head. I started walking with him trailing behind. I could sense him looking around in awe. I paused a bit for him to catch up. I started to chew on my lip.

"You're new here?" I asked.

"You could say that," he answered. I nodded slightly.

He kept about a foot of distance between us.

"So what do you work as?" he asked casually.

"Journalist," I replied softly, starting to feel uncomfortable with the situation.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I... It's complicated," he mummered. I nodded lightly, not wanting to press on.

"Which part of Korea do you come from?" I asked.

"Busan," he said.

"Oh, I came from Seoul," I said.

And just like that, we kept making small talk. We exchanged phone numbers and learned a bit more about each other. Soon, we reached my apartment.

I unlocked the door, almost with dread. I creaked open the door to reveal my mess of a home.

Jungkook's POV

My eyes widened at the horrifying state of Ji Ae's house. Papers were strewn everywhere and wherever I looked, there were mugs upon mugs of what seemed to have once been used for coffee. No doubt, the house was smothered in a strong coffee smell.

I took a look at Ji Ae who just stared at her house, almost sadly. I stared on and realised that there were evident dark circles around her eyes and how she seemed quite mentally weak.

"This is my... Home," she said in exhaustion.

"Did you bring any clothes or things with you?" she asked all of a sudden. I felt bad as I shook my head, because I remembered how she promised to pay for my needs and she was pretty poor.

"Okay then. Let's go buy you some clothes!" she said with a weak smile.

A guilt tugged at my heart but there was nothing I could do. A deal was a deal, right?

I trailed behind her like a lost puppy all the way to the nearby mall. I was wallowing in my deep thoughts. They were mostly of pity for Ji Ae.

She'd seemed like an outgoing, strong, independent woman. But on the inside, she seemed almost broken.

"We're here!" she said. I lifted my head and saw a clothes shop.

"Are you sure? I can pay on my own. I have my walle-" I tried to reject her offer to pay but she cut me off.

"No. I promised that I'd pay for your needs. I never go back on my promises," she said stubbornly. I reluctantly walked in.

About an hour later, we walked out with bags full of my new clothes. We split the number of bags we had to hold and together, we walked back home.

"Shoot," she said as soon as we entered the house.

"What happened?" I asked hurriedly.

"I have to be at work now- Oh God I didn't finish up my report the boss is going to kill me I-" she flew into a state of panic. My eyes twitched with irritation as I heard her panic. I gripped her shoulders tightly and made her stare into my eyes.

"Go get dressed for work and go. I'll handle things here," I said in a calm voice. She exhaled and nodded.

"You're right," she said. She ran into her room to get ready and I was left in the living room.

Ji Ae seemed perfectly capable of doing anything. I just felt like she needed someone to support her. I looked around the house and came to a decision.

While I'm staying here, I'll do my best to help her.

I had never wanted to help a stranger before. In fact, when I agreed to live with Ji Ae, I'd planned to just remain cold and not socialise with her. But, something about her just made me feel... Sorry. I felt an I describable pity for her.

I quickly took a fresh set of clothes from the ones I bought and changed in the toilet. When I came out, Ji Ae was struggling to put her heels on.

"Ji Ae? Just one question before you go. I'll be sharing the room with you, correct?" I asked hesitantly, not wanting to disturb her.

"That's right. I hope you're okay with that. Call me if you need anything!" she said. And with that, she was rushing out the front door. I looked at the time on the clock. It was 12pm. I frowned slightly. Ji Ae hadn't gotten lunch yet, at least, as far as I was concerned. She probably had lunch before she ran after me, right?

Even though this thought was still disturbing me, I got to work. I hung my new clothes in her closet as nearly as I could. I then started to tackle the mountains of mugs of coffee. I was uneasy with the amount of coffee she was drinking. I washed all the mugs and placed them in the drawers diligently.

I then cleaned the dishes that were piling up. I cleaned the house thoroughly and soon, I could actually breathe better. The house was neat, there were no flying papers and it was much more cosy. Feeling happy with myself and imagining her happy face, I plopped myself onto the sofa.

Suddenly, I saw a piece of paper lying on the floor. How did I miss that? I picked it up and read it.

"To be handed in tomorrow," I read. The date on it was yesterday's date. Was Ji Ae supposed to hand this in today? I quickly texted her and what returned was a frantic text.

'Don't worry. I'll come over to give it to you.' I texted back.

As soon as the address to her company reached my eyes, I was out the door.


Author's Note:

Hi y'all! Sorry for not posting in fOrEvEr. I hope this was a good chapter :)

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