· fifteen ·

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Ever-so-quietly, I made sure the front door was locked. I rushed back to Jungkook who shot me a quizzical look. Before he could utter anything, I clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Paparazzi," I hissed. His hand removed mine.

"Outside?" he whispered back in shock.

"Yes," I whispered back.

"Okay, let me handle this," Jungkook said lowly. I pushed a hand at his chest, which was rock hard might I add, to stop him from moving.

"Are you going to beat that bitch up?" I hissed in disbelief. His eyes widened.

"God, no! Just- just watch. Don't stand in plain sight," Jungkook whispered in exasperation and I could only hide as I heard hushed voices outside.

Soon, Jungkook came back in.

"He's gone," he grinned proudly.

"How do you know that?" I whispered from my hiding space as I stood up.

"I bribed him," Jungkook said carelessly. I rolled my eyes at his answer as I walked back to the door.

"Okay, okay, let's go," I yelled as I heard Jungkook whining about my bags.


"Alrighty," I chirped as I slammed the door to the driver's side.

Jungkook winced.

"Do you have to drive? And did you have to do that to my poor car?" he whined.

"Shut up. Now direct me to the new place or we're going to get lost," I murmured as I started the car up. I was wearing simple sweats and a crop shirt. Fighting fatigue, I let Jungkook guide me to the new house. His honey warm voice had me nodding off a couple times but then he'd shriek like a little girl that got teased by a boy and it'd snap me awake.

Almost surprisingly, we got to the new place unharmed. Jungkook offered an apologetic smile.

"Don't apologise. It is what it is," I tried to make light of the situation as I got out of the car. I went straight for the house, leaving my bags to Jungkook. I stopped in front of the front door, my hand hesitating to touch the doorknob that probably cost more than I did.

"Keys," Jungkook mumbled beside me as he tossed me the keys. I inhaled as I twisted the doorknob. I padded inside softly and my jaw hung loose. It was spacious and accented with wood decorations. The whole place screamed elegant. The walls were a pretty white and black was used sparingly. The layout was simple. A kitchen, bathroom and living room on the first floor and the bedrooms and a second bathroom on the second- according to Jungkook.

From the outside of the house, I could see that one part of the ceiling sloped downwards. Jungkook said that one of the bedrooms had a glass ceiling.

However, what caught my eye the most was the shelf. Across the comfy-looking couch, a huge TV was nestled nicely in a shelf that covered the whole wall.

I turned to face Jungkook who was slightly blushing.

"We have to decorate this place," I said seriously. His head tilted back as he chuckled and nodded. I glanced at the stairs and he nodded, as if giving me permission. That was enough for me.

I sprinted for the stairs as I started hunting for the room with the glass ceiling. And it was glorious.

"I CALL DIBS ON THIS ROOM!" I screamed as Jungkook came calmly walking in. He pouted and crossed his arms.

"No fair, I wanted this room. Besides, I bought this place," he smirked. I groaned and frowned.

He's right.

"Fine. You can have it you asshole," I muttered bitterly. I looked up to see him biting back a laugh.

"Jesus Christ, I was kidding. You can have it," Jungkook smiled warmly. I launched myself onto him and hugged the living daylights out of him.

"Thank you," was all I chanted over and over again until he had to hold me by my shoulders.

"Okay, okay!" he chortled. My face was flushed red with excitement. I've never had such a luxurious place. Suddenly, the colour drained from my face.

"What about the family party thing? Oh no. How do I explain that I've moved? To this place? And- are you just going to just live here with me? What about your job? Aren't you an idol? We can't possibly live like this forever," I fired my worried thoughts out as I thought hard.

"Don't worry. We'll figure it out. Let's sleep first, it's like four in the morning," Jungkook yawned. I nodded numbly.

"Enjoy your new room," he giggled like a schoolgirl. I smiled widely and thanked him again. He was about to close the door when I suddenly stopped it from closing. He looked at me quizzically.

"Sorry, this is embarrassing. Can you sleep here with me? I'm not really comfortable because of this new place and all. And we can sleep with a pillow between us I don't mind but I'd feel weird sleeping alone in this new place and-"

Jungkook covered my mouth.

"You talk too much," he grinned. I bit his hand and he retracted it instantly and I made a face.

"Yah!" I whined.

"Of course, precious," he cooed. I faked a gag.

"That was disgusting. Precious? That's so corny," I choked on laughter as he frowned. He pretended to leave but I grabbed his wrist.

"Okay, okay, sorry grandma," I joked and he shook his head.

"You want to take the right side?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay," I said as I rested myself on the left side. Between the soft blankets, pillows, the starry sky above me and Jungkook's warmth, I quickly fell asleep.


Author's Note:
Hello~ sorry for the late update. I was unsure of how to pick up where I left off so this might be a little bit of a dry chapter.

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