· eight ·

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I came to and I could sense the morning light through my closed eyes. A strong warm vanilla scent shielded me from the normal coffee stench. Don't get me wrong, coffee smelled amazing but, I grew sick of it. I could feel Jungkook's heart beat against my cheek and I knew I'd somehow turned over in my sleep. My arm wrapped loosely around his waist and I grew aware of how our legs were tangled up.

His arm provided security around my waist and I felt his chin on my head.

I didn't scream, I didn't forget why we were in this position and I certainly did not stare at his sleeping face.

I laid there in silence. Last night's events were fresh prints in my memory so I didn't have to rethink about it. I simply just basked in the sweet moment when I had someone to hold on to.

Creepy, yes.

But I craved this affection. Even if it wasn't intended. Sure, Jungkook was a stranger but I couldn't help but miss this feeling. Miss this care.

So I embraced the moment.


A few minutes passed and I felt Jungkook stir.

"Ji Ae?" he mumbled in a low voice. Heart beating quicker, I chose to remain silent.

Don't face it, Ji Ae. Just let him get up and off of you.

I nearly gasped as he cuddled closer into me. His chest heaved as he sighed. His fingers combed through my hair and I nearly melted at that.

What the fuck is he doing, and why does it feel good?

"You remind me so much of Jimin," Jungkook continued mumbling to himself.

Jesus Christ, who is Jimin? His girlfriend? He has a girlfriend? This feels wrong.

"Hyung works his ass off- like you. I wish you'd both loosen up a bit," he finished.

Jimin's a guy? Is Jungkook gay? Wait- what? What am I going on about? Sigh. I wish I'd loosen up too. But I can't. I wish I could.

Jungkook stopped talking but the movement of his chest against my face told me he wasn't asleep. I was practically silently begging him to go to the bathroom so I wouldn't have to wake up in his arms. It'd be too embarrassing.

His hands didn't stop caressing my hair and if I weren't craving this attention, I would've screamed and called the cops.

Pathetic, accepting love from a stranger.

Sigh, okay, Ji Ae. Count to three. On three, yawn, get up, pretend like nothing happened and go to the bathroom.




I yawned as naturally as possible. Stretching as an excuse to distance myself from Jungkook, I sat right up. Not used to doing that often, my vision blurred slightly. Already knowing he was beside me, I looked to him nonchalantly.

"Good morning, I'll use the bathroom first," I muttered before rushing off with my work clothes.

Was that too abrupt to seem natural?

Trying not to overthink things, I washed up.

That was too abrupt. He definitely knows I've been awake before my whole yawning performance.

Gingerly stepping out of the bathroom, I faced Jungkook in the kitchen.

"Perfect timing! Fruit loops or Cheerios?" he chirped happily. I eyed him warily. The change in mood was sudden and noticeable but I let it slide.

"You bought two cereals?" I asked incredulously. He nodded like a puppy.

"Fruit loops I guess," I mumbled. He quickly grabbed the cereal and milk and he spooned out some cereal before pouring milk over it.

"Stop!" I screamed as I dashed over. His face jerked up in shock as he put the milk down. Hands raised, he backed away as I rushed towards him.

"No, no, no!" I cried out as looked at the cereal.

"What's wrong?" he yelped in fear. I turned eerily calmly towards him as I stepped towards him.

"Jungkook dear," I started off sweetly before my hand raised.

"YOU DON'T POUR THE MILK OVER THE CEREAL IT'S GOING TO GET SOGGY! PABO!" I kept ranting as I slapped his arm repeatedly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he kept shouting as I chased him throughout the house.


"What's the difference anyways? Everything will be wet in the end?" he pouted as he massaged his arm in front of me. I glared at him as I forcefully shoved spoonfuls of the cereal in my mouth.

My worries and stress had been dashed and a small smile lingered on my lips.

"Why're you wearing your work clothes, by the way?" Jungkook nodded towards my attire.

"I... have... work?" I said hesitantly.

What's he going on about?

"No you don't," he said with a frown.



My brows raised at Jungkook's smug face, I checked my phone.

"Ji Ae, you've been given a day off today," I mumbled the short message under my breath.

"What?" I breathed out slowly.

"Get out of the work clothes, we're baking a cake for a party," Jungkook sang happily.

"Okay, put a pin in that, I'm changing first," I screeched in happiness as I practically leapt over the table to my room.


Author's note:

👀👀👀 oooh la la LMAO i dunno i hope you liked this

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