· twenty-two ·

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I inhaled as I stood before the brown door. My exposed shoulders made chills run down my spine- was I cold or was it the nerves? I mean, I was standing practically naked without a coat as it was snowing. The mall trip was fine since we were in the mall, but that didn't mean that I didn't wish Jungkook would open the door.

My fist raised to the door as I exhaled.

One, two-

The door flung open before I could say anything. My fist was still up, ready to knock on the door, as my eyes widened in shock. Jungkook stood at the door, looking just as shocked as I was. In his arms was a girl.

He had his arms wrapped around the waist of a girl. A prettier, taller and probably smarter girl. Something in me died and I felt so stupid.

"I-" Jungkook started.

"I'm sorry, I'm just here to get my things," I croaked, trying to not cause tension.

"She lives here, Kookie-ah?" she crooned in a sickly voice as she looked at Jungkook. Jungkook stared back at me as I looked right back at him in disbelief.

I'd been gone for one night. One night and he's already gotten a real girlfriend. Whatever.

"Y-yeah," Jungkook gulped.

"You should go first, Minah," Jungkook said under his breath. Minah frowned and poured but smiled brightly soon after.

"Okay, see you later tonight!" she chirped before holding his hands and pecking him on the lips. She practically pranced out as Jungkook still stood there in a daze. I tried not to cry from embarrassment as my cheeks burned.

"Uh- yeah. Come in," Jungkook stumbled over his words as he made space for me to walk in. I mumbled an awkward 'thank you' before padding in.

"Girlfriend?" I tried to cooly ask him as he walked up the stairs with me. I'd just reached the top of the stairs when a warm hand encircled my wrist.

"Look, Ji Ae. I wanted to apologise for what I said. I wasn't thinking straight and I was really upset with Jimin," Jungkook apologised earnestly as he searched for my eyes.

"I'm sorry for what I said too," I replied sheepishly as I looked him in his stupid brown eyes.

"How're you doing?" he continued as I pulled away and kept walking to my old room.

"Fine. I'm living with Jimin now," the words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"You're what?" he immediately questioned.

"Oh, I'm- uh- I'm living with Jimin," I repeated carelessly as I started folding my clothes. Jungkook's hand stopped me from taking another piece of clothing from the closet.

"Why?" his eyes burned through me.

"Because I promised that I'd be out of your life in a week!" I protested as I gently slapped his hand away. I heard him try to find his words as I kept folding away.

"Well- well- take it back!" he exclaimed in frustration. I turned on my heels to look at him.

"Take what back?"

"The promise! That you're going to get out of my life!" his hands planted themselves on both sides of his waist.

"Look, I really want to be independent and all-"

"I know! Just- please stay," he whispered the last part.

"I've never had the feeling I felt when I was with you. And I felt really lonely and-" he tried to go on but I stopped him.

"You'll get over me. Plus, you have Minah," I argued back.

"I just met her at a bar!" Jungkook defended himself.

"If you've already found yourself a chick, don't try to get me," I snapped.

Am I a toy? Am I that easy?

"I don't like her!" Jungkook yelped.

"Sure! She just kisses random people on the lips then!" I exclaimed as I threw my hands up.

"I never gave her the idea that I was into her!" Jungkook whined.

"Well- still!" I tried to find another argument.

"I'll end things with her- even though there's nothing to end," he said solemnly.

"This isn't about her. This is about my life. You know nothing about me. You know nothing about what I've wanted to do and why I'm doing what I'm doing now," I said desperately.

"Then- then tell me! I want to know. I want to be there for you and just- I want to get to know you," Jungkook murmured as he tousled his hair. I exhaled shakily as my hands stopped folding.

Shit. What do I do? Jimin's already offered me a place. But I really can't live off people. Oh my God. Why's this so- so difficult?

"I'll stay," I said slowly as I watched Jungkook's eyes light up.

"But I want to pay for my room. I want to pay rent," I declared. His brows immediately jumped up but I cut in to explain before he could deny it.

"I want to be independent and you want company. This is the best way I think we can compromise," I said pleadingly.

"Did you really have to phrase it like me wanting company?" Jungkook simply nagged. I chuckled and immediately buried myself in his chest as my arms wrapped around him tightly.

"Thank you," my voice came out muffled. I heard him gasp as I tightened the hug for a spilt second before pulling away.

"What for?" he asked curiously but I just shrugged mischievously.

Thank you for actually wanting me.


Author's Note:
was this too sudden? ji ae wanting to move back in?

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