· four ·

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Despite how fit I was, I was huffing and panting by the time I got to Ji Ae's office. I knew that this wasn't any of my business but I just didn't want Ji Ae to have a worse day than she was already having.

I took the lift up to her room. My hand clasped the paper and tried to smoothen some of the crinkles out as the lift headed higher and higher.

I started to get a bit nervous, not knowing why. My hand touched the doorknob and... Shouts. I heard shouts. I frowned and checked the name pasted outside the door to make sure it was Ji Ae's room. It was.

Why would there be shouts?

I pressed my ear against the door to get a clearer idea of what was happening.

"I TOLD YOU TO GET THIS DONE YESTERDAY RIGHT?!" a loud, obnoxious voice trilled.

"No, you didn't. You never did-" a calm voice spoke.


My blood was boiling with anger and confusion. Nevertheless, I flung open the door, as determined as a dog was to protect its owner. Ji Ae was being kind and letting me stay in exchange for a petty request of me being her boyfriend, so shouldn't I act like one?

My eye met Ji Ae's distraught ones as I breezed through. I caught a quick glance of her surprisingly neat office room. Her boss, well I assumed it was her boss, stared down at me, her nostrils flared with anger.


"I'm not trespassing. I'm here to pass Ji Ae the work she left at home," I replied coldly and calmly as I stared her down, irritated by her annoying attitude. She was, funnily, shorter than Ji Ae so it was quite the ridicule how much I had to look down just to look her in the eye. I could sense her unease as she glared at me.

"And who are you?" she asked with a huff of arrogance.

"Ji Ae's boyfriend," I said instantly, the words feeling unfamiliar in that sequence. I could see Ji Ae's jaw drop but I held in a snicker. Her eyes widened so big and I could tell her mind had flown into a frenzy from my three words. I'd never wanted to laugh so loudly before. I looked in her big doe eyes smugly, trying not to snicker.

Ji Ae's boss, who stood glaring at me in front of Ji Ae, stared at me in disbelief for a second. I prayed that she was intimidated by me or I'd be a fool. Unfortunately, I wasn't willing to give up my "reputation" for a stranger like Ji Ae just yet. It'd frankly be embarrassing if she weren't intimidated by me.

"Give me that!" she retorted as she snatched the document from my hands. The paper was practically ripped from my hands. I opened my mouth to defy her but before I could, she abruptly shredded the paper into pieces.

My eyes widened and it felt as if my heart stopped.

The pieces floated down to the ground, each piece thudding after the next. Ji Ae's boss stared at Ji Ae haughtily. There was silence as a lump formed in my throat.

What. The. Hell?

"I want a new document on my desk in half an hour!" she demanded as she sauntered out, stepping on the papers as she did.

My heart was beating rapidly from how that escalated so quickly.

"I..." Ji Ae was at a loss of words and so was I. I was shocked and appalled at the rudeness of her boss.

Ji Ae slowly sank back into her chair with her head in her hands as she stared at the pieces of paper in disbelief. Her elbows were propped on her wooden desk and the light from the window behind her cast a shadow on her face. Her fingers seemed frozen on her temples as she stared at the papers. I could almost feel the tears welling up in her eyes.

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