· nineteen ·

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It was cold silent as I sat uncomfortably at the head of the dining table. On one side sat Jungkook, an ice pack on his jaw that was clenched tightly, and on the other side sat Jimin, fists balled up on the table. My right arm was now in a cast that rested uncomfortably on the table.

I cleared my throat.

"Let's try the apology again," I piped up but was immediately silenced when Jungkook's head jolted to look at me. I gulped and shrivelled up internally when he sent me an icy glare.

"Look, I'm sorry that I called you that. I wasn't thinking-" I tried to resolve the issue but was promptly cut off by Jimin.

"It wasn't your fault that Jungkook just can't filter his words or filter his thoughts. He's clearly too dumb, but of course, I already know that," Jimin growled and even though his words were directed at me, his glare was on Jungkook. I knew this wasn't just about Jungkook telling me that Jimin was "Park fucking Jimin".

There was an elephant in the room that neither party wanted to address. And quite frankly, I wasn't in the mood to find out what it was just yet.

"Jimin, look, I'm really tired, it's been an exhausting morning. Can we talk about this tomorrow?" I tried asking nicely, tired of the thick atmosphere. Surprisingly, Jimin stood up, making his chair screech. I winced as Jimin didn't bother looking at Jungkook.

"I've had enough. I'm not talking to him until he agrees to return- like a proper adult," Jimin hissed before leaving. My eyes didn't leave the table even when the front door slammed closed. The moment it closed, however, Jungkook let out a shaky breath as he let go of his ice pack. He buried his face in his hands as I stared quizzically at him.

"This isn't just about me disrespecting him, is it?" I whispered quietly, not wanting to anger Jungkook more.

"No. No it's not. And I'd rather not talk about it anymore if you don't mind," Jungkook growled, his hands still covering his face. My blood boiled a little at that.

"Well, I'm so sorry, Mr Jeon, but if I recall correctly, you're the one that brought me here. You're the one that practically put me under house arrest and the only valid reason why I shouldn't be calling the cops on this is because you're a fucking idol. So I do sincerely apologise if I hit a deep nerve because you're too coward to man up and just return to your damn company sO THAT I CAN RETURN TO MY NORMAL LIFE!" I shouted the last bit.

The silence was deafening after my speech and I stood up, ready to leave. Jungkook rose out of his seat and his height made it so that he looked down on me.

"Well, I'm sorry too, then, Ji Ae. I'm sorry that you're too unattractive and that you had to literally drag a stranger off the streets to be your fake boyfriend," he hissed lowly. That was a low blow. I didn't have time for a boyfriend. I was too busy with my career. He had no right to-

"You know what? Fuck you. Screw you, Jeon. Screw you," I growled before storming off to my room and slamming the door. I let out a frustrated cry as I sank down onto the floor.

"Aish!" I shouted as I threw the closest pillow I could reach across the room.

Everything was out of my control and so frustrating. I felt as if I had to wait for something to make me move otherwise I'd be completely useless.

Why'd he run away from his company? Why's Jimin so mad about it? AND WHY DID I HAVE TO PICK HIM?

I was close to tears, I was an angry crier, when I heard my table buzz. Brows furrowed, I pushed myself off the floor and checked the table.

My phone. Did they recover it for me?

Across the cracked screen flashed 'Eomma'. I groaned as I answered the call and put it on speaker, not going to put a cracked phone against my ear for fear of loose glass.

"Ji Ae ah?" Eomma's voice crackled throughout the room.

"Ne? (Yes?)" I replied as I sat on my bed and faced my table.

"I'm just so excited to meet your boyfriend tomorrow! I couldn't hold it in so I actually visited your house but no one answered. Anyways, I hope you remember what to bring tomorrow! You know, this relationship's been so secretive I'm beginning to think it's fake," Eomma joked.

That's it.

My fight with Jungkook and the stressful morning had caught up to me, riling me up. And this was the breaking point.

"You know what, Eomma? Maybe I've just been single for so long because you wanted me to get a job. Remember your words? Because I sure do. What was it that you were going to do? Oh, that's right. Disown me if I didn't follow your footsteps and interned for that damn company! I recall you even giving me a slap for good measure after your dramatic speech. You think I wanted to do that? So, no. I've moved houses and I'm most certainly not coming for the party tomorrow. Why? Oh, that's right, because I'm too busy with the job I'm supposed to have!" I shouted at my phone.

"Ji Ae-"

I ended the call and shrieked in frustration as I sank into my bed. My shoulders were shaking as I was racked with tears.

I didn't feel guilty for screaming at Eomma, because it was the truth. I didn't want this life. She wanted it. And because I wanted to suck it up, I went for it. And I wish I hadn't. Suddenly, I heard something outside my door. My face paled.

I instantly flung it open and there stood Jungkook.

Has he been listening this entire time?

"Ji Ae- I can explain-"

"Oh, so now you're eavesdropping?" I exploded.

"It's hard not to when you're literally screaming for the entire neighbourhood to hear!" Jungkook retorted back.

"I'm so done," I shook my head as I let out a humourless laugh. I grabbed my coat and climbed down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook demanded as he kept up with me.

"Don't bother. Give me a week to sort things out and I'll be out of your life in no time," I muttered bitterly as I stormed out, making sure to slam the door.

Hands tucked in my pockets, I didn't hear any footsteps behind me. The coward didn't even want to follow me. I sniffles and wiped my tears as I continued walking in a blind rage. 

"Whatever," I muttered bitterly.


Author's Note:

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