#59 - Territory (Part V)

Start from the beginning

"There!" Annabeth pointed towards the flash of green betraying the Queen's disappearance into the training arena. She didn't know who had let the Queen inside the camp borders, but Annabeth didn't want to know who the monster had threatened.

As they raced into the Arena, blocking the only entrance and exit, Annabeth brandished her whip menacingly, approaching the Queen.

"It was pretty stupid of you to return," Annabeth practically snarled. "Don't think I won't hesitate to send you back to hell."

The Queen sneered. "You're getting cocky, Annabeth Chassssse. And you're sssssssuppossssed to be the ssssmart one."

Percy warning shout alerted her to the whirring of machines as training dummies powered up and started circling the demigods.

Damn it.

"Defend the entrance!" Annabeth yelled as she bounded forward, attacking the dummies before they could get the jump on her. "Don't let her escape!"

Annabeth climbed the first training dummy with ease, flipping off it and landing squarely on her feet. When her toes hit the ground, Annabeth spread her hands, a telekinetic blast spreading the dummies out.

The Queen was wide-eyed, and Annabeth allowed herself a moment of smug satisfaction before she stabbed another dummy.

"There issssss more than one way out of here, demigod," the Queen hissed before she turned her back on Annabeth her tentacles sliding across the ground as she speedily headed for the arena bleachers.

Annabeth watched in mixed awe and dread as the Queen flipped like an acrobat into the stands, scampering up the seats as gracefully as a trapeze artist. The snake woman flung herself over the wall of the arena, disappearing as she dropped down on the ground outside.

Groaning internally, Annabeth nodded when Percy looked at her questioningly. As Percy raced out of the arena, Annabeth readied her own weapon and turned warily to face the six training dummies.

Come on, this is what you train for.

Annabeth parried three blades, sweeping her left leg across to kick one of the dummies. The robot flew across the arena, clattering as it rolled aimlessly on the ground.

Her staff loosened into a whip, and Annabeth proceeded to slash the thick metal rope across the dummies near her, almost cutting them to rags.

Annabeth narrowly dodged one of the remaining dummies' attacks before she speared it through the chest, using the other end of the staff to impale the dummy behind her.

She wrenched her blade out of both dummies, panting as she backed away from the destroyed robots and continued in the direction she'd last seen Percy.

Her heart sped up when Annabeth spotted the conflict raging between Percy and the Queen in the centre of the cabins.

The Hecate cabin lay in shambles, the roof having caved in and the windows shattered.

A storm to rival Zeus swirled around Percy, the rain pelting on the area as he stood protectively   in front of the Hermes cabin.

The Hermes cabin was the safe house for younger or disabled campers in the case of a battle. Names ran through Annabeth's mind — Fay, Phillip—

She shook her head. No, she had to focus.

Annabeth had to use extra strength to propel herself past Percy's winds. When she was in the middle of the fight, Annabeth joined his side, helping to beat the Queen back.

Percy's winds roared in Annabeth's ear as her whip curled around the Queen's ankle and Annabeth promptly threw her away.

The Queen landed beside Hestia's hearth, frantically beating out the flames on the sleeve of her dress.

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