49. Jack

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   ~•5:31 P.M.•~

   I had to go through a surgery three days ago.

   The doctors said that there was a glass shard in one of my shoulders, and they had to take it out. They said it almost hit one of my arteries.

   I couldn't imagine what it would be like... to die.

   Everyone would be miserable, and  I'm not saying it in vain. All of us have lost so much.

   I see everyone Emma, Ava, and the others (besides Eric, Arthur, Alex and some random girl with blue hair) walk through the door.

"Hey guys," I smile.

"Hey." Ryan waves.

"Umm... are you guys okay?" I ask, "You seem a bit quiet today."

"I-I..." Ava stammers, "... got into a fight."

"Hey everyone, could you leave me and Ava alone for a sec?"

   Everyone leaves.

"I know it sounds bad," Ava explains before I can say anything, "I know that you've told me so many times to just walk away, but this time, I just couldn't-"

"Why did you do it?" I ask.

"You're not upset?"

"It all depends. Why did you do it?" I ask again.

"She knows you're here. She called you stupid. She called us stupid."

"She does even know anything about me. Or you."

"But what I did today proved her right."

"It did not," I say sternly, "I'm not saying what you did was right either, I'm not really happy that you punched someone, but you are not stupid. You are not any of those names she calls you. If anyone tells you different, then that's a shame, because they don't know the Ava that I know."

   A small smile formed on her face.

"You know, you remind me of your Mom. Did you know she got bullied?"


"Yeah, and she did the exact same thing you did. She blamed everything on her."

"Who bullied her?"

"I don't know if I should say the name..."

"It's okay, you can tell me."

It's fine. She won't have to worry about him ever...

"I don't like talking about him, but here it goes," I take a deep breath, "his name was Ben."

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