16. Sammy

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   Winter is still talking with Uncle Ryan. Probably for an hour. An hour and a half? They couldn't seem to stop chatting ever since yesterday.

   They seem to be getting along, they really do. That's good and bad. It's good because... you know, they're talking. But it's bad because they'll probably talk for too long and my question will dissolve and I'll just have an empty box in the back of my mind. It's not like the question could fit anyway.

   Unlike questions, there's suggestions, and they pop out of nowhere, and it's not under my control. One suggestion told me to go to dad, because he's involved. But I took that suggestion and gave it a good kick. I made myself clear. I am not talking to dad about this.

   Another suggestion told me to interrupt Winter and Ryan's conversation, and to talk with Winter alone. I didn't really think that was a good idea, because it would make me look rude, so I gently placed that suggestion to the side.

   He didn't like what I did, so the suggestion tapped me on the shoulder. I sighed. He would not give up.

   I walk over to the two.

"Sorry," I squeak in my most fake, semi-cute, dumb eight year old voice, "Can I talk to Winter?"

"But-" Winter tries to finish, but his dad takes his hand and mouthed "It's ok." with a weird look on his face. It has a mix of emotions: happy, disappointed, and tired...

   Winter signs, "Ok, but this better be good."

"Apologize." Uncle Ryan says.

"Sorry..." he mutters.

   We walk over to the kitchen.

"What do you want?"

   I'm nervous. I can't do it. I can't ask...


"Why did my mom and dad adopt me?"

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