15. Ryan

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It's about 10:20 p.m., and Adam thought it would be a good idea for me to get a few things at a store.

"Which store?"

"I don't know! Just... just..." he's frantically searching for something, something having to do with his car. I think it's keys. "... a store! Any store!"

I decide to go to Walmart. I don't know why.

Since it's late, it means less lanes are open. And there's a long line. I check the time on my phone. 10:44, it reads. Suddenly, a woman hurries behind me to get into the line, and bumps into me.

"Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry..."

"It's fine." I grin.

She checks the time on her phone.

"Shit!" She mutters. I could tell she was in a hurry.

"Do you... wanna go in front of me?"

"No, it's ok." She says, even though it looks like she'd say yes right away, "You've been waiting long enough."

"I'm not in a rush, though."

She narrows her eyes at me and stares into my eyes for a long time.

"You look awfully familiar..." she says, her eyes still narrowed.

My phone makes a little "Ping!" sound. I get a text from Adam saying, "C'mon! We don't have all night!"

I reply, "It's not my fault you wanted me to shop late at night."

The woman still looks at me. I find it kind of creepy.

"Are you... famous or something?"

"Well I was- AM, in a band with my brothers. We're just taking a break."

She looks at me, then smiles. "What's the band called?"


"AJR!" her eyes widen, "Oh my god, my friend listens to you guys all the time! Wait 'till she hears this!" she starts texting her friend.

I just stand there, my face bright red, "Well... I... no... please...?"

She looks up at me, and closes her eyes in embarrassment, "God, I'm such an idiot. I should've asked how you-"

"Eh, I don't mind."

"Which one are you again?"


"In the band."

It's almost my turn to check out my items. I stick my hand out for her to shake it, "I'm Ryan."

She looks at my hand for a second or two, and she sticks out hers.

"I'm Ally."

"Dad." Winter was trying to get my attention. I spaced out again. Dammit.

"I'm sorry. What was that?"

"Mom. Tell me about mom."

I smile. If I'm being honest, I like that he's bringing this subject up.

"Your mother... if I could describe her... I guess I couldn't. That's how amazing she was. She-"

"Maybe 'amazing' could be a definition." Winter suggests.

"That's an understatement." I chuckle.


"That's an understatement too."

"Then... what?"

"I told you. We can't define your mother. Not in one word. There would have to be hundreds of words. Thousands. Millions. Billions. Trillions..."

"If we can't describe her... then maybe she could be..."

"I don't know..."

"Ah! I know! I had an indescribable mother. You had an indescribable wife. That's what she was. Indescribable."

I like that. I really do.

"Now tell me something else about mom."

Love, Winter (an AJR Fanfiction story)Where stories live. Discover now