23. Ryan

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   Ally starts visiting more often, it's probably been a few months now. She visits at least once or twice a week. There's only been one week where she's visited three times, but that's because my parents visited too. And she wanted to meet them. I think that visit was the best one yet.

   She recently asked if I would wanna hang out with her.

"Just me and you?" I ask. I couldn't help but blush.

"Just me and you." She confirms.

   When the day comes, I decide to dress into something not too formal and not too casual. And apparently I couldn't stop smiling.

"You look happy." Adam says just before I'm about to leave.

"Too happy..." Jack agrees.

"I'm just gonna hang out with Ally." I say.

"Aha! So you DO like her!" Jack points at me.

   I can't really feel my face anymore. I start to stutter and say all kinds of weird things.

"Great, Jack" Adam crosses his arms. "You broke him."


   Adam scowls at Jack, then turns to me and smiles, "Have a good time."

   I rush out the door, get into my car, and drive as fast as I could to Ally's house.


   "You're late, Metzger." She grins as she open the door.

   I turn red. Again.

   She laughs. "It's okay. Come inside."

    I put my coat away, then we sit down on her couch.

"Sorry I'm late, though. My brothers were nagging me."

"Both of them? Or just Jack?"

   I laugh, "Yeah. Just him."

"My sister would never stop annoying me..."

"You had a sister?"

"I still do. She... Well, her and the rest of my family are just... well..." she takes a deep breath, "They're just so strict. I want to talk to them. Believe me, I do. But..."

"Why don't you?"

"I just said."

"Yeah, but you're an adult."

   She looks down. Then back at me. "I wasn't finished. They've always thought of my sister as a better child. I always tried to be like her. To be the perfect child, but I was never good enough."

"You're perfect to me." I blurt.

   Her eyes widen. I turn red again. An awkward silence fills the room for a moment.

"Wow." she finally says.

"Sorry." I mumble.

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