Chapter Thirteen: All The Breaks [Part Two]

Start from the beginning

"Never." She said blankly, reaching up to get in his face.

The man scoffed and gave off a sarcastic, evil chuckle.

"I'm going to give you one more shot. This time, come up with a better answer bitch." He spoke, gripping the back of her chair.

He ran the tip of the knife he held in his hand across her cheek.

"Join. Me." He said.

The last remaining guards held Enchantress back, but still she fought against them.

Tears formed in Megan's eyes as she again, looked over at Enchantress.

Enchantress made eye contact with her, she growled again.

"I will never join you!" She screamed at the man, tears spewing forth.

He grinned swinging the knife away from her face.

"Wrong answer, baby."

The knife dug deep in her thigh, blood pouring out of the wound. She screamed, struggling and moving around in the chair she was tied to.

Enchantress growled louder this time, attempting to jump over the five guards who held her back. She was getting weaker, with the amount of blood she had lost today. Her strength, was not enough.

The man's fangs popped out at the sight of blood.

"You see what happens when you don't listen?! Now look at what I had to go do!" He spoke getting closer to the shaking, squirming Megan trying to get her hands free to somehow stop the pain.

Enchantress still, fought with the last remaining guards to get to Megan.

"Now you're going to tell her how it hurts." He whispered to Megan, his fangs very apparent.

She squirmed again, closing her eyes tightly as he got close to her neck.

Pushing the knife deeper into her thigh, she screamed again.

"Tell her!"

Sinking his teeth into her neck, she screamed again, louder this time.

Suddenly, he was thrown back from her, into a machine.

Enchantress growled, jumping on top of him, clawing at his face.

The sound of glass breaking caught her attention. She looked up, seeing Robyn jump on one of the few guards left, smashing his head repeatedly into a closeby machine.

Suddenly, all of the Guardians were there, fighting off the five guards left. It didn't take much. The guards were soon on the ground, joining the rest of the guards.

Megan's constant squirming caused the chair she was in to fall back. The noise got Dana's attention.

Leaving the hardly moving man, she ran to Megan.

Looking at the knife, and then looking at the bite mark, she whimpered slightly. Snapping the ropes with her own fangs, Megan immediately moved over, away from the chair.

Enchantress turned into her normal form, holding Meg close to her.

"Who is she?" Onika asked from behind them.

The question got the rest of the Guardians attention, as they stopped examining and exploring the building. They came over to where Enchantress, Megan, and Onika were.

"Someone...very special to me." Enchantress said, slightly applying pressure to her wounds. Megan yelped, and she quickly stopped.

"He...he is a vampire. And I don't know how to heal this, how to fix this..." Dana spoke quietly, tears forming in her eyes. As a tear dropped, Megan reached up and wiped it away.

[OLD; DISCONTINUED] Acts of Vengeance Where stories live. Discover now