Ch. 12 The Fair

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"Wow, the weather is amazing today Tine!" Pear chirped happily as she finished her cotton candy.  She was right.  The sun was beaming against the clear, blue sky.  

 Pear and Tine were walking around the school fair.   "Do you want to sit down for a bit?" Tine pointed to a bench on the side of the road.   

"Here", Tine handed Pear a bottle of juice, opening one for himself.  "Thanks!" They sat down, looking at all the booths and colorful decorations around them.  

"So Pear, um, I've been meaning to ask...have you always liked girls?"  Tine propped one arm on the bench as he turned to Pear.  They had been spending a lot of time together since she revealed her secret.  He just felt comfortable around her.  Of course, it was also a perk that the guys always approved. 

"Oh!  No, Earn is the first girl that I ever liked" Pear blushed.  "That's why it was so confusing.  I never thought that I could have feelings for another girl - not like this". 

" how did you know that you really had feelings for her?" Tine asked curiously.

"Well...I don't know" Pear looked into the crowd.  "At first we were just friends through the Music Club.  She approached me first, actually.  I was so happy because, to be honest, I never really had close friends growing up".  She looked a bit embarrassed.  I'm the same, Pear, Tine thought to himself. 

"She was just so bold, so unashamed to be herself.  She wasn't self-conscious at all, not like me.  I just felt so free around her, you know?  Like I could finally be myself".

"Yeah..." Tine was starting to feel like this was all very familiar. "So then what happened?"

"Well, I started noticing how I was always thinking about her.  How I always wanted to be around her.  Then one day, Earn was really upset.  I was there hugging her, and I looked up and just - wanted to kiss her, to be honest".  Pear blushed.  "That's when I knew". 

"Wow...that's really sweet Pear".

"Anyways, enough about me.  Why do you ask, all of a sudden?" 

"Oh, um...just curious". Tine shrugged, quickly averting his eyes.

Pear hesitated for a few minutes.  "Is it perhaps...because of Sarawat?"

Tine spit out his drink.  "Sorry, um, what - why would you ask that?" Tine choked, completely flustered.  Pear gave Tine a knowing smile. 

"Do you see the way he looks at you?  He's completely in love with you, Tine".

" really think so?" Tine blushed, his heart fluttering. 

"Mhmm, and you don't seem too bothered by it" Pear winked, giggling.  Tine's face flushed a deep red. 

"I'm not sure Pear.  This guy at a bar actually told me..." Tine was about to tell her about Mil when he spotted Earn walking by.

"Hey! Hey Earn!"  He shouted, waved wildly. "Tine, stop it!! This is embarrassing!" Pear frantically tugged his arm, but it was too late.

"Hey Pear! Tine!" Earn approached them with a big smile. "Nice seeing you guys!  Hey,  can you guys actually help me hand out these flyers?  The guys that were supposed to do it with me bailed". 

Tine suddenly got an idea. "No". 

Earn raised her eyebrows. "No? Did you just say no?"

"Oh um" Tine gulped. "Sorry. I promised to hang out with the guys.  I'm late, actually". 

Pear stared at him quizzically. "But I thought you said you wouldn't meet them today-"

"Did I?"  Tine interrupted her.  "Anyways, I should go.  Pear would be happy to help you, though" He patted a confused Pear on the shoulder and mouthed "good luck" before running off. 

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