Ch. 9 Warm (M)

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Oh, so soft. Was this what he was waiting for all along?

Tine closed his eyes as he melted into the kiss.  He hesitantly swirled his tongue against Sarawat's lips like they were candy.  Sarawat growled, immediately pulling Tine deeper, mercilessly exploring all over Tine's mouth.

Tine clutched onto Sarawat as Sarawat enveloped him with his strong arms. Tine was burning from the hands on the back of his neck, and the heat that was taking over his entire body.  He had never felt more safe, more warm. They had kissed before, but this was different. It was slow, it was real. It was vulnerable.

"Ahh..ah.." Tine moaned as Sarawat's tongue skillfully licked his ear.  He met Sarawat's eyes and blushed at how he was looking at him.

"Stop that" Sarawat's low husky voice sent shivers down Tine's body. Their faces were only a few inches apart. "Stop what?" Tine whispered, his mouth wet, panting for more. Sarawat's soft voice was making his knees go weak. He gripped onto Sarawat's shoulders for support. "Making that sound.." A soft kiss landed on Tine's nose. "drives me crazy..."

"Hey Wat I -" Man burst into the room. Tine sprang apart from Sarawat like he was burned.

"Ah...." Man scanned the room. Tine was trembling, red and teary eyed.  Huh, that law kid acts so cool with his friends, but he's actually pretty adorable.

Oh shit.  Sarawat was fuming like he was going to rip him up into pieces. "Sorry to interrupt, I forgot my charger! Goodnight guys!" He sprinted out of the room.

Tine was shaking all over in panic. Oh god, Man saw them. Was he grossed out? Was everyone going to know?

"Useless piece of shit" Sarawat muttered under his breath. "Don't worry, Man is cool with all this.  He won't tell anyone."

"Oh...ok" Tine quickly wiped his stupid tears away. God, he wasn't some girl, this was embarrassing.

"Plus, he ships us".

"What?!" Tine choked. in...a couple???

"Nothing, just help me carry all that back to my apartment" Sarawat demanded, pointing to a pile of instruments and music equipment lying around. They looked heavy as hell.

Tine sighed.  "Give me a break man. I ran all the way here, my legs are killing me".    It wasn't a lie, they really hurt.

"You ran because you were late, idiot".

Tine was too tired to protest. "Fine, whatever, I'll do it". They picked everything up and walked out of the bar.


"Come in" Sarawat motioned as soon as they reached his apartment

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"Come in" Sarawat motioned as soon as they reached his apartment. "Nah man, I'm exhausted".  Tine finally took Sarawat's guitar off his shoulders. Man that was heavy.

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