Ch. 4 Drunk Night (M)

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Author's Note: Hello lovely readers, I decided to write another chapter while we all anxiously wait for episode 10 that's finally coming soon! I hope it will help the time go by a little faster :)

Tine knew that he needed to apologize.  He just didn't know how.   Sarawat was ignoring him again, and he was having the shittiest week. 

"Hey! Sarawat!" Tine ran towards him after class.  Sarawat kept walking. 

"Yah! Saraleo!" Tine yelled.  Sarawat stopped dead in his tracks and turned around.  "What do you want, Tine?"

Tine leaned against the wall, completely out of breath.  "We...we need to work on the group project.  And I wanted to apologize for-".

"Do it yourself and send it to me for review" Sarawat stated curtly.

"Wait, but, I don't have your email, number, or anything!" Tine yelled.  But Sarawat just walked away.


The weekend rolled around and the gang went to their favorite bar.  Tine just sipped his drinks, too worried about Sarawat to pay attention.

"Oh hey Fong! Nice to see you here!" Some guy approached their table. "Hey Man!" Fong waved. "Guys, this is Man, we play soccer together".

"You guys mind if my friends join?" Man asked.  "No, not at all" Fong replied.

Man returned with another guy and oh god was Sarawat.  Tine froze.  Their eyes met, but Sarawat looked away, clearly pissed.  Please, please don't sit next to me...

"Hey, you're Tine, right?" It was Man. "So you're the law major Sarawat keeps talking about!" He snickered.  Sarawat immediately hit Man's arm and started angrily whispering to him.

"Sarawat, you should sit here!" Man pointed to the empty spot next to Tine.  Oh no.  

No one protested because Tine's friends didn't want to sit with Sarawat.   Sarawat sat down, sighing and shaking his head.  He proceeded to staunchly ignore Tine.

Tine cleared his throat. This was awkward as hell.

 "Hey, um" Tine tried to muster up as much dignity as one possibly could under these circumstances.  "I'm sorry, I've been meaning to apologize - my friends were just making fun of me-"

"It's fine." Sarawat stated coldly, sipping his beer and refusing to look at Tine. "I won't bother you anymore".

"No, you don't bother me at all.  I didn't mean any of it. To be honest, I think you're amazing, and you make me feel great, like really great..." Wait, what the fuck did I just say?  

Sarawat was now staring at him with big eyes.

"Um...what I meant was..." Tine struggled as his face got redder and redder.   Tine mentally cursed himself and vowed never to drink around Sarawat again.

"Forget about it".  Sarawat turned away, smiling to himself.   

Sarawat didn't talk to Tine again, but he didn't seem that mad anymore either.  Tine decided to let it go for now, and went back to listening to the ongoing soccer debate between Man and Fong.


"Aaand Tine's the loser again!!" the boys yelled. "Shots! shots!" 

Tine was so distracted by Sarawat's presence that he had lost almost every single drinking game.  Which was funny, because Sarawat had barely spoken the whole night.  

Tine took the drinks with wobbly hands and downed them.  How much had he drank again?  He couldn't even keep count... the whole bar was spinning. "Yoooouuu...guiiyyss...are aaaalll dead!!" He slurred, weaving back and forth while pointing a shaky finger at his friends.

"Maybe you should stop here" Sarawat muttered, a bit worried.

"Nahh maaan I'mm fiiiinee!" Tine screamed way too loud, slamming down the glass. "Let's gooooo!"

A few more games and everyone was pretty wasted.  Tine stumbled to the bathroom.  He managed to bump his way into a stall and leaned against the wall, too dizzy to do anything.  He barely noticed the door opening and closing. 

"W...who?" He hiccuped, squinting to make out a hazy Sarawat.  Sarawat stumbled towards him and put his arms on each side of Tine.

"What..hic...are you doing..." Tine wanted to move Sarawat's arms, but he ended up gripping onto them for balance. 

" smell nice" Sarawat nuzzled Tine's soft neck, making his breath hitch. "Makes me wanna eat you up..."

"W-what? said you won't t-talk to me...anymoreee..." Tine slurred as both of them swayed.

"I lied". 

Suddenly, Sarawat crashed his lips against Tine.  He bit Tine hard, forcing him to open his mouth. Their tongues drunkenly collided against each other.  

Sarawat isn't mad at him anymore... Tine thought hazily as Sarawat nibbled Tine's neck over and over again. "Ah..stop it.." Tine moaned.  Instead, Sarawat bit his neck harder.  

Tine was drunk out of his mind.  Without thinking, Tine brushed his hips against Sarawat, a low moan escaping his lips. He couldn't think, he could only feel.  And right now, shamelessly grinding against Sarawat felt amazing.

"Fuck Tine..." Sarawat panted in between their desperate kisses..."you're so bold when you're drunk..."  Tine leaned against the wall as he grasped onto Sarawat's hair.  Sarawat wrapped one arm around Tine's waist while his other hand explored all over Tine's body.

"You don't know how much I wanted to fuck you all night" Sarawat whispered into Tine's ear.  "Ah...Wat...ah" Tine panted as Sarawat lifted up his shirt and began tracing Tine's hips, stomach, and chest.  They were both so hard. "Lets get out of here" Sarawat whispered in a husky voice.  Tine just grasped onto Sarawat's shirt, unable to say anything.


The bathroom door opened.

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