Ch. 2 Longing (M)

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Tine didn't know where he was, exactly.  It was night.  He was sitting on a couch at someone's apartment, when he saw Sarawat stride over to him.  Tine looked at him longingly.  Sarawat sat next to him and brought his arm around Tine's shoulders. 

"Oh good" Tine said. "I needed you...I've missed you..." Tine cupped Sarawat's face and started gently kissing and nibbling on his soft lips.  He breathed in his sexy scent that made him go wild.

Suddenly, Sarawat started stroking Tine through his pants.  Tine's eyes widened. 

"What the fuck man, stop that!" Tine yelled and swatted Sarawat's hands away. But Sarawat took both of Tine's wrists and gripped them so tightly that Tine couldn't move them. Then he took Tine's member again and started pumping - fast and hard.

"Stop...Sarawat...please...". Tine was practically begging. He was starting to get breathless. Sarawat just stared intently at him, with his bangs covering part of his face, and kept stroking faster and faster.

 He didn't know when, but when he looked down Sarawat had already pulled his pants down. Seeing Sarawat's big hand around his member made Tine even more excited.

" one will know about this, right?" Tine panted, his chest going up and down. Sarawat didn't say anything. Sarawat's lips were all over, sucking and biting his nipples until they hurt. "Ah Sarawat...more!" Tine sobbed.

"Shut the fuck up" Sarawat flipped Tine around, and slammed his head onto the couch, hard.  Tine could feel Sarawat's strong hands jerk up Tine's hips.  Sarawat spit and roughly fingered Tine.  Without much time, he slammed in and out until Tine couldn't think straight anymore.  "" 

"You like that, you little bitch?" Sarawat said in a throaty voice.  He roughly grabbed a fistful of Tine' hair and violently pulled his head back. "Ahh..." Tine moaned at the sudden movement, he face all sweaty and his eyes blurry.   

Sarawat forcefully turned Tine's face towards him. Tine desperately kissed Sarawat, biting his soft lips over and over again. "Fuck me harder..harder..." Tine begged.

"Oh you want it harder?" Sarawat scoffed.  "I can give it to you harder..." 

Suddenly, Tine's head was slammed back onto the mattress again.  Sarawat grabbed Tine's hips and pounded like there was no tomorrow. "" Tine screamed as he was about to come.  All he could see was white. 

Ring ring ring ring...

"Holy shit!" Tine jolted up from his bed.  It was 7:30 am.  

It was just a dream....

He looked down at himself and groaned.  He was all sticky and sweaty.  How many times had he washed the sheets this week?

Ever since that night, Tine was so confused.  For one thing, Sarawat didn't even show up to class the next couple days, which made Tine miss him.  And when he finally did, he sat in the back of the class like nothing happened.  As soon as class ended he would leave.  Not that Tine could talk to him anyways, since all his friends would judge him. 

The thing that bothered Tine the most though, was that Sarawat wouldn't even look at him anymore.  What kind of person kisses someone and then doesn't even acknowledge their existence?  It was driving Tine crazy. 

Sarawat also had no social media. No linkedin, instagram, facebook...Tine had tried everything. It was like he never even existed. 

So Tine decided that he was going to ignore him and move on.  He was straight and he had a reputation he needed to protect.  Except that sneaky bastard would creep into his dreams and make Tine do and say things that he would never, ever admit to.  Tine couldn't understand himself.  He never fantasized about another guy, didn't even know how it worked. So why did he keep longing for some guy he barely knew?

That morning, Tine decided he had enough.  He was tired of always accommodating to what the other person wanted to do.  He couldn't stand Sarawat treating him like he didn't exist.  It was too miserable. 

So after class ended that day, Tine decided to follow him...discreetly.  He gave some lame excuse to his friends and rushed out of class. Tine had to hurry because Sarawat was  quick.  He didn't stop and say hi to anybody.  He walked through campus until he entered...the music building?  That made sense, as Sarawat was a music major. 

Sarawat entered some classroom, and Tine was left alone in a hallway full of students he didn't know.  So this is what music majors are like...

Tine started looking at some of flyers when he saw Sarawat's annoying face on one of them.  What the fuck? Sarawat's band is pretty famous.  They tour a lot too...must be pretty fun. 

Tine's life was very structured.  Ever since Tine was young, he knew that he was going to slave his hours away at a law firm, make a lot of money, and have a wife and kids.  That way he could take care of his parents and provide for his family.  Sarawat and Tine only had a class together because the two majors overlapped.  But a music was so unstable...what kind of family did Sarawat even have? Sarawat was completely free...he didn't seem to shoulder the responsibilities that Tine did.

Tine was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that someone with a tan jacket had crept up next to him.

"What the fuck are you doing here? You following me?"

It was Sarawat.  He was smirking.

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