Ch. 8 You're the One in My Heart

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Author's Note:  This Monday I woke up to 1K views.  I was so happy I almost cried.  I know this is much less than other stories, but I still remember how happy I was when I finally got 1 person to read my story, then 20, 100, 500... Thank you for your support, and please don't hesitate to comment.  I read all of them and it makes my day.

Tine sprinted into the night. He flew past the narrow streets as fast as his legs could take him.

Something green whipped past him. "Hey! Watch it!" A man with a bicycle skidded off the road. "Sorry, sorry!" Tine yelled as he ran past him.

Tine's throat burned and his legs ached, but he forced himself to go on. I have to make it...I have to make it... That was all Tine could think of right now.

Tine stumbled into a street full of small bars. This is the street! Finally!  It was already 10:45 pm.  Fuck!! Which one is it?  He frantically darted back and forth, trying to make out their names.  No. This can't be right. Fuck. Why can't I find it?!  

♪ I will try everything ♪ I will try every possible way ♪

Tine froze. Wait...was that Scrubbs?  And that voice...

Holy shit!  Tine bolted into a bar. The place was packed.  He immediately started pushing his way in, closer to the voice that was making his heart swell like crazy.

♪ Just look at me  ♪  That's all it takes to make me happy ♪

Tine gasped.  He felt like time had stopped. It was Sarawat, the dim lights softly radiating on his face.  His long, slender fingers slowly strummed his guitar.  

♪ It doesn't matter what reality is  ♪ All I know is you are the one in my heart  ♪

Tine shuddered as Sarawat's deep voice filled the room and vibrated against the walls.  He quietly sang along, watching Sarawat's head gently bopping along with the music.  

"Wooooo!!!!"  Tine looked, around startled. Did it end already?  The crowd was cheering like crazy.  "Sarawat!! Sarawat!!" Damn,  does everyone know him?  Tine tried approach Sarawat but he was quickly overwhelmed by a herd of scantly dressed girls.

"Sarawat, take a selfie with me!" "Sarawat, you were so cool today!" Their manicured nails touched Sarawat's arms and pulled at his collared shirt.  "What the fuck! Hey!" Tine yelled but it was useless.  Sarawat just disappeared backstage before Tine could get anywhere near him. 

Everyone started breaking off into groups.  Tine just stood their awkwardly.  He did not think about what he would do once he got here.  He looked around until he spotted a familiar face on the other side of the bar. 

"Hey, Man? Man!"  Phew, at least I know someone here.  Man gasped and started waving so wildly that Tine thought his arm might fall off.  

"OH MY GOD!! It's Tine!!!! He came!! Boss, he actually came!!!" Man jumped up and down, pointing to Tine and high five-ing with Boss.  Boss's eyes widened before he too started jumping and screaming with joy.

"Umm, hey?" Tine waved hesitantly, a bit confused about how excited they were to see him.  He started walking towards them when....wait are they literally running away?  To his confusion, Man and Boss were now skipping/galloping backstage. Tine just stared at them, scratching his head.  Am I being made fun of or something?

Well, there goes that.  Tine decided to shrug it off.  He got himself a beer and sat at an empty table, realizing how sore his legs were.

"Mind if I sit here?" A guy with thick eyebrows pointed to the seat across from him.  "Sure," Tine shrugged.

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