Ch. 11 Touchy

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"The person I a girl".

"What?!?!"  Tine yelled.

"Shhhh!!!" Pear whispered frantically.

"Sorry, sorry!"  

'I'm sorry Tine.  I know our friends wanted to set us up.  I tried Tine, I really did.  But I just couldn't lie to you. You're such a kind person. I ...I wanted to be honest".

Tine couldn't have been more relieved.  "Don't worry about it.  That thing was all my friends' idea anyways".

"'re not disgusted with me?" Pear sniffled, delicate tears running down her eyes.

"What? Not at all! Don't be silly". Tine playfully poked Pear's arm. "Stop it Tine, it tickles!"  Pear giggled with huge, teary eyes.  They smiled at each other, oblivious to Sarawat fuming at them from the window. 

"So who's the lucky girl?  It's not...Pring, is it?" Tine was a little worried.

"What?" Pear started laughing. "Oh my gosh, no it's's..."  She shyly looked over to the window where Earn was talking to Sarawat. 

Ah.  "She looks nice". 

Pear blushed.  "Thank you Tine, really" she said softly.  Pear suddenly grasped Tine's shoulders with trembling fingers. "What is it Pear?" Tine asked worriedly, leaning in.

Bang!  Sarawat hit the window.  "What's wrong with you?!" Earn yelled as Sarawat picked up his guitar and stomped away.

Pear desperately looked into Tine's eyes.  "Promise me you'll never tell anyone, not P'Pha, not P'Pring, and especially no one at the Music Club.  Please.  I can't imagine what would happen if anyone finds out".  

"I promise Pear" Tine whispered, gently patting her shoulder. "Your secret's safe with me".


Tine:  Are we still doing the project today?

Wat: mhm

Tine: Ok I'm on my way

Wat: mhm

What's wrong with him?  Sarawat had been like this all week. Tine shrugged it off and and opened the door.  "Wat? You home?"

He was suddenly pulled back as Sarawat hugged him from behind.  "Wat - hey, stop it" Tine resisted as Sarawat tightened his grip around him.  "I missed you" Sarawat whispered as he nuzzled his head against Tine's neck.

"Yah, get off me" Tine tried prying his arms away, secretly smiling to himself.  Sarawat turned Tine around and shoved him against the wall, clasping his lips.  Tine eventually let Sarawat devour him,  his hands roaming around Sarawat's broad back through his thin T-shirt.  He had to admit that he missed him, too. 

Sarawat fingers tugged at Tine's belt. "Wait, wait" Tine pulled away from a reluctant Sarawat. "The project. I'm here for the project". He said breathlessly as he stumbled away, his heart beating like crazy.  Sarawat raked his hands through his hair in frustration.


It took an hour for Tine to convince Sarawat to keep his hands to himself and work on the damn project. They were now at the kitchen table, with Sarawat sitting in the far corner against the wall.  He had been shunned to that spot after Tine had yelled at him.  He was currently sulking.  

Tine ignored him.  He was too busy reading documents with his glasses on.

Sarawat got up to take out a beer from the fridge. "You want to drink? On a school night?!" Tine exclaimed.

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