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I walked into the motel room and groaned as I pulled the right ponytail out of my hair. I scratched my head and flopped onto one of the beds.
"Long day?" Derek scoffed as he walked out of the steamy bathroom.
"Yes. Who knew that fighting monsters with your fully shapeshifting werewolf best friend would be so exhausting?" I sarcastically snapped as I turned onto my side to watch him smile for once.
"Who knew?" He muttered.
Derek got into the other bed that was right across from me and sighed as he pulled the sheets over him.
"Goodnight, y/n."
"Whatever loser!"
"I said, goodnight y/n."
"Night Derek." I laughed as I turned away from him and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Where is he??" I breathily mumbled as I tried to catch my breath. I had been running in the city and couldn't see anyone but the person who was chasing me.
"Please! Let me go! I haven't done anything!"
I watched as he got closer and closer. His black figure made his way into my view and he grew taller and wider every step.
"Please! Derek!!! Help me!" I shrieked as the figure started to reach out for me.
I couldn't run even if I wanted to. I was paralyzed. My feet wouldn't leave the ground.
I shook and screamed as I tried to move but it didn't work. I was stuck. I was going to die.

I sat up violently as I inhaled. I looked around panicking to see the dark room giving off no unsettling vibes at all. I look over still sweating and hyperventilating to see Derek conked out. He wasn't disturbed by my nightmare and loud actions. I grabbed a fistful of the sheets as I looked around rapidly a couple more times for my own security and reassurance. I nodded when I was sure I was safe.
"You okay?"
I looked over to see Derek now awake and looking at me. He was propped up on an elbow and I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, it was... just a nightmare."
"Want me to help you calm down?"
I nodded again and he moved the blankets over for me to get in.
"Come on."
I shuffled my way over and got in. I laid my head on his chest and he rubbed my back.
"Go ahead, talk about it."
"It was just a stupid chasing dream but I was alone and no one would save me."
"Yikes, those are the worst sometimes."
"I know. I think I'm still sweating."
"That's nasty y/n." He chuckled.
I smacked his left peck which made him laugh even more.
"Okay okay. I'm sorry." He finished laughing and rubbed my back again.
I was still concerned but a lot more relaxed. It was always comforting laying in the same bed as Derek. He was always really protective of me and never let me get hurt. I liked that.
We laid in the silence and dark for a little while before Derek resituated himself and cleared his throat.
"Okay I think it's time for you to go back to your bed."
"What?! No! Please don't make me be alone! I don't want to be alone!" I panicked thinking about what would happen.
"Y/n, I'll be four feet from you. You're fine."
"No! No please!" I cling to him as he tried to pry me off "Please please! Let me stay! Please!"
"Okay okay! Just... just calm down. You can sleep with me tonight."
I let out a shaky breath which matched my body and tucked my head under his chin.
"Just... please don't... please don't leave me."
It was quiet as he played with my hair softly.
"I won't. I won't ever leave you." He whispered back "I will always protect you. I'd jump in front of a train for you."
I furrowed my brows in the dark and wondered.
"Why? You wouldn't do that for just anyone. So why me? Why am I special?" I ask quietly as I sat up to look at him in the eyes.
"Because I'm in love with you." He whispered as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.
I looked at him and then his lips and he did the same for me.
We leaned into each other and soon were making contact. I was kissing Derek Hale, my best friend, but I liked it.
I pulled away slowly and smiled.
I buried my head into his chest and he chuckled lightly.
"I don't even need light to know you're as red as a tomato now."
"Shut up. Would you just shut up for once in your life?" I groaned out of embarrassment.
"It's cute."
"Whatever." I mumbled.
"Now go to sleep you absolute dork."
"Goodnight Derek."
"Goodnight beautiful."

The next day was an interesting one. We were out all day battling the same stupid enemies we have for weeks. Derek and I were sore and tired by the time we made it home.
I laid down in bed and Derek came over and crawled on top of me.
I opened one eye and looked at his smirk that was plastered on his face.
"What?" I asked knowing fully well what he wanted.
"Come here." He grunted as he pulled me to his lips.
One kiss string to another and then another, each one getting more desperate and needy. Derek has soon found his way up my shirt which stopped me in my tracks.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
He seemed flustered and embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, I just... I thought..."
"I-it's fine. I'm just gonna... I'm gonna go shower."
I walked quickly to the shower and spent as much time as I could in there, not wanting to go back out and face him. I finally gave up, turned off the now icy cold water and got dressed.
I walked out of the bathroom and Derek sat on the bed in silence. I sat at the mirror and started to fix my hair. After a short silence Derek looked at me through the mirror.
"Y/n... look, about earlier-"
"It's fine. Really. Don't stress about it." I nodded as I finished off my hair and looked to his face through the mirror as well.
I smiled awkwardly and got into the opposite bed.
"Not going to sleep with me tonight?" Derek asked slightly disappointed.
"I'm a big girl I can sleep on my own."
He nodded and got into bed. I turned away from him and he sighed.
"Ya know, I enjoy our adventures. The ones in this room I mean. The ones outside are fun too, but these are my favorite."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now