Sacrifices we have to make pt 7

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"What do you mean you are her?"
"That's me. Sheriff, I died a long time ago. Jennifer killed me and brought me here. I thought it was to give her some sort of power. But that's me. That's the ring Derek gave me. I'm here. My dream was right."
"Well I can't call that in. Because if you're dead but right here how do I explain that to anyone?"
"Im a ghost."
Sheriff scoffed
"Now werewolves and kanimas I can understand. But ghosts? Now you guys are just messing with me."
"We aren't. She's dead. She's a ghost and that's her body." Scott interjected.
"What the hell." Sheriff cursed under his breath and scratched his head.
"We need to move my body somewhere else!" I snapped and the boys jumped. They wrapped me in a tarp and started to lift me up the stairs. I shoved my feet out of the basement and groaned
"Is it weird that I'm helping you guys shove my own body out of a hole?!"
"Just a little. But this is the least weird of the weird things that have happened." Stiles reassured as he groaned
We finally rested my body on the ground outside and everyone took a deep breath.
"I really should have worked out more in life." I gasped for air.
"Here I have some water at my car." Stiles pointed in the direction of his car and we all started on the long journey back to his car. Everyone grabbed a section of the tarp and lifted again. It was easier than going straight uphill but the uneven ground didn't make it easy by any means. When we finally reached the car, we quickly shoved me into the back of Stiles Jeep and all chugged water.
"Do you even need water?" Sheriff asked as he handed it to me.
"I don't know. Probably not. But I still feel thirsty."
I drank some of the water and handed it off to Derek who finished the bottle.
"Deaton and Melissa both believe that her brain thinks she's still alive so she still feels things like thirst and hunger and hot and cold." Stiles explained
"But if you're a ghost then how can you touch things? Wouldn't you be like mist?"
"I think that's just fairytales, Sheriff." I chuckled
"All of this is a fairytale to me. It's still even hard for me to remember werewolves exist."
There was a moment of silences where all we could hear is the scraping of rocks on the concrete from under our shoes as we shuffled around. Stiles threw the empty water bottles into the back, one of them colliding with the tarp I was under
"Stiles! I'm back there! Be careful."
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" He sharply inhaled through his teeth in fear I would deck him.
I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"So what do we do with... well... you?" Scott shrugged and looked at me
"I don't know. It's kinda hard for me to have a funeral since I'm still here. So no one can know I'm dead."
"Well I can just dig a hole in my back yard and we can throw you in." Stiles joked earning a smack to the back of his head.
"Not funny!" I scolded him.
He whimpered and rubbed the back of his head, knowing the joke wasn't worth it.
"Seriously though, what do you want to do?"
"I guess just bury me somewhere." I shrugged
"I didn't think I would ever have to choose my own funeral."
"I don't think anyone thought you would have had to." Derek rubbed my arm and kissed the top of my head
"Where do you want to be buried?" Sheriff asked
I thought for a moment and then got an idea.
"How about by Derek's old house? No one ever checks over there and the soil is already disturbed. We could make it easier to hide a burial!"
"That's not a bad idea." Scott nodded
"Okay. Let's go there then." Stiles sighed and closed his door after he got into the drivers seat. Scott trotted around to the passenger and Derek and I got into his car. Sheriff had hitched a ride with his son and we call planned to meet at Derek's old house.

"Hey are you okay?" Derek asked after a long silence in his car
"Yeah. I guess just a little freaked out about burying myself."
"Yeah. It's kinda interesting isn't it?"
"You didn't-did you... see yourself?" Derek asked quietly.
"Not really. Just my hand and the shirt I was wearing. I remember that shirt."
"I think that's for the best though. You had a pretty traumatic death."
"Yeah... I did." My body shriveled into itself and Derek reached over to grab my hand. The warmth from his fingers seeped into my skin and I felt even slightly better. I shuffled and leaned into his shoulder across the center console.
"I love you Derek. Even as a ghost." I closed my eyes and nuzzled into his bicep
"I love you too sweetheart."

When we made it to Derek's old house, stiles had already opened the back hatch and taken me out.
"So where are we putting me?"
"I was thinking here." Sheriff said as he pointed to where an old garden once rested
"It's perfect." I nodded
"My mom used to grow roses here." Derek mumbled.
I looked at him.
"Red roses. The most perfect red roses ever. And she would take such great care of them. And she would sell them when they were harvested. Everyone went crazy for them. They always said my house looks so much better with Mrs Hales red roses in a vase on the table." Derek scoffed "It is perfect."
I leaned into Derek and wrapped my arms around him.
Sheriff leaned down and grabbed the zipper.
"Y/n, you should probably turn around till we get you covered in here."
I nodded and turned away into Derek's chest. Derek kept watch to make sure everything was okay. I heard a little gasp escape him which I assumed meant he saw me. The shock of my death even startled stone cold Derek hale.
I heard the boys lifting me into the ground and then the started to cover me with dirt.
"Okay. You can look now." I turned back to see them covering the last of me. My hand stuck out still until they threw a pile of dirt onto it. They continued to pile on dirt until the ground was level. And then I was gone.
"Anyone want to say anything?" I asked
"Y/n, you're not actually gone. You're standing right here!" Stiles chuckled
"I know! But my body is gone stiles! You can say something nice about her!" I sighed
"Okay um... y/n... had a nice... body? Eugggh, no no that's weird. That's not what I meant." Stiles shivered at the thought and retracted his words.
"Oh forget it! It's not like anyone will know anyway." I gave up and turned to walk back to the car.

A few days had passed and I was alone. Derek had gone off to finally stop Jennifer.
While I was alone, I felt a sense of urgency to visit my grave. So I got into Derek's car and drove to the old house. I looked around to make sure no one was watching and then walked to the back where I had been buried.
When I rounded the corner there was a new sight. It very clearly wasn't there a few days ago. And I had hoped no one had plans to come here because it was almost like a beacon. I walked closer to inspect it to make sure I wasn't seeing things. But my eyes were clear.
Where my body was -or more accurately, where a headstone should be- buried in the ground, was a small red rose bush.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now