Cool... but hot

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Requested by BeautifulMax2001 !
Long ago if you were to ask me how I fit into the world of the paranormal I would have shrugged and said 'I don't know!' And that was true. It was beyond me how I got dragged to beacon hills and became a part of the supernatural world. But now, standing in Derek's dark apartment, a couple days before the eclipse, I was sure of myself. I felt my fingers tingle as the familiar rush of supernatural energy pulled my spirit into high gear.
Like every month, my soul battled on what part of me would be dominant. Either my witch side or my vampire side.
Yeah I know odd combination. But when you almost die, your lineage starts to become the choice of others
"Y/n!" A deep voice bellowed for me to move out of the way as another vampire whipped by me. I tried to pick up my feet but as soon as the thought had came, my throat was open.
I fell onto my back gasping for air but it escaped before it could make it either way. Feet clamored over and I watched as my blurry best friend kneeled down.
"No no no no!" He put his hands over the wound in my neck and watched as I started to fade. "Please don't. Please don't make me do it." I became unresponsive a second later, my body laying limp.
He cursed under his breath many times over and closed his eyes as he sank his teeth into me.
When he pulled his mouth off, he watched for my awakening. And in seconds I felt a burning rush through my veins and I was back up.
"Oh thank god." He gasped as he put his head down and breathed heavily.
"What happened?" I groaned rubbing my arm
"I... bit you."
I didn't say anything, just looked at him with concern and thankfulness.
Life was going to be different
Not much later did I realize that I was even different from most vampires. That I'm the sense I could do magic. At first I thought it was an effect of the bite but in no time I understood that it wasn't something vampires could do. So three hair styles, a shit tone of working out and many many many evil supernatural villains later, here I am.
It was hard to put a read on Jennifer Blake. The name made my blood curl every time I heard it and her face hid evil I knew it. But I couldn't figure out what. And when it came to Derek, she seemed like a harmless lamb. But to me, she was a wolf in sheeps clothing. And now that analogy may be unfair to say as many of my friends are actually wolves but for the sake of story telling it's what I'm using.
And it was only when Stiles and Scott came flailing to shout at me that she was in fact evil, was when I felt confident in my intuition.
"I KNEW IT! OH I KNEW SHE WAS A FUCKING EVIL BITCH!" I cheered. I read the room and understood it wasn't a good time. I cleared my throat and straightened out my jacket. "Sorry. That was childish of me."
"Don't worry." Scott laughed
"So what do we need to do?"
"We need to tell Derek."
We were standing in the dark, the night of the eclipse, when Derek was told he was tricked yet again. I saw the way his eyes glinted in pain. Not physical, but emotional and mental pain. He was betrayed again by someone he put his love into.
The boys walked away after Scott heard the clicking of heels.
I started to walk but was pulled by the urge to say something
"Derek?" I started. He looked at me and I sighed "just because she lied, doesn't mean everyone else will." Derek nodded and I walked off to hide.
"Derek! Derek are you in here?! Derek where are you?"
"I'm here." Derek called to her as he walked out of the doorway.
"Derek I need you to listen to me. I don't know what the boys will say but you have to know that what they will tell you isn't true."
"What is it?" He furrowed his brow in lie.
"They're already here aren't they?" She caught onto his cover up
Scott stiles and I walked out the second we knew we were caught.
"Give it up Jennifer." I seethed
"What have they told you?" She scoffed
"Oh maybe that you're the one killing everyone."
"Yeah because I have time for human sacrifices on my lunch break."
"Admit it! You're just some sad little demon." I spat.
"So you're going to believe them, two kids who have been reading fairytales every night before they go to bed and the girl who's been jealous ever since we started dating."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Derek looked at her with the most bloodthirsty look I'd ever seen from him.
"You have no idea what you're dealing with." I seethed.
"Deaton told us..." Scott started as he walked closer to her "you can use this and it can be used against you."
"What is that?" I asked
"Mistletoe!" She growled. Scott pulled the lid off and threw it at her. In a cloud of dust her face morphed to a deformity. I stepped back in horror and Derek's face was just as scared.
"What the hell are you?!" Derek asked grabbing for her throat.
"You need me!" She cried "I can save Cora! You need me!"
"Derek put her down!" Scott commanded
"Derek! It's not worth it! She's useful to us!" I shouted. Derek released his grip from her throat and she fell to the ground.
"See.. you need me." I laughed and walked over to her. I bent down to her level and grabbed her face with my hand.
"We don't need you, we are using you." I squinted with a smirk.
"Just like I used Derek." She tried to get under my skin.
"You think you're so fucking clever don't you?" I picked her up by her arms and set her against the wall.
"Who does Derek love?" She tilted her head
"Not you." I scoffed "but... who does Derek trust right now? Oh right! Me." My face turned from sarcastic to serious. Her face crinkled and she clenched her fists.
She ran at me but I stepped out of the way absentmindedly. I grabbed the back of her shirt and threw her into one of the concrete posts in the room.
She screamed in pain as a crack rang from her body but stood back up, throwing her hair behind her.
"You're gonna pay for that." She wiped the corner of her mouth that trickled blood.
"Will I?" I pulled my fist out in front of her and turned my hand palm up as I opened it. A small ball of fire rose in my hand.
I flung it away from my body and it singed her arm. She grasped her tricep in desperation.
"You rude bitch." She spat.
"Give it up Jennifer. Or is that even your real name?"
Scott and Stiles ran up and grabbed her arms to escort her out. Stiles dug his palm into her scorched arm and she yelped
"Oops. Sorry." He sarcastically dripped.
They dragged her out and Derek looked at my hands.
"You're a little toasty." He smirked. I looked down at my hands and saw the soot and ash still dusted on my hands. I clapped them together and wiped them on my pants.
"That's better." I sighed.
I fixed my clothes and hair before starting to walk out of the apartment and to the hospital to help Cora.
"Hey y/n." Derek stopped me by grabbing my hand. I turned to look at him momentarily.
"I just wanted to say... that was really cool. What you did... standing up to Jennifer. And thank you, for what you said to me earlier."
"You think I'm cool?" I teased "I prefer hot." I leaned into his ear.
His face fell short for a second but then composed itself quickly.
"You do?" He chuckled. I nodded with a smile. "Well then that was hot."
I leaned up and kissed his cheek deeply. My eyes glinted into his as I pulled away and walked out the door. And Derek tumbled after me to catch up

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now