Who are you?

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"Thank you for helping me." I said as I shivered from the cold.
"No problem. Cars can be really hard to handle sometimes." The man laughed as he closed the hood of my black car.
"So. Payment." He started.
"Oh I don't have any cash on me but if you give me your phone number I can pay you back by the end of the week."
He turned to me slowly and stared me down with his grey eyes
"What did you just say?" He snarled.
"I don't have any cash on me. I'm sorry."
He reached for his back pocket and I knew exactly what he was grabbing. A gun.
I started sprinting into the woods as fast as I could trying not to trip.
I had probably been running for three to five minutes even though it felt like hours.
My legs were on fire and my throat got dry from the cold air.
I kept running and wanted to scream but I knew I'd have to be as silent as possible to get away.
He was catching up with me now and I was getting more and more anxious.
My feet ran even faster which I didn't think was possible.
Soon I got into a clearing with an old rundown house. It was burnt and cracked but it was better then nothing. I ran toward it and stood in the clearing.
I breathed heavily, puffing out vapor into the cold dense night.
I heard a crack which rang in my head danger. I looked over and the man with the grey eyes pushed me over. He pointed the barrel to my head and that's when I screamed. I screamed so loud it rattled my whole head.
Within a second someone else attacked the man who was holding me.
My vision was blurry but I could tell it was another man. Bigger then my kidnapper and stronger too.
The man defending me was faster, stronger, smarter and bigger.
They fought and blurred into a big ball until someone was knocked out and on the ground while the other got up.
My vision was so blurry and dark that I knew I was gonna pass out.
And I did.

I woke up with an upright sit in an apartment with minimal furniture.
I looked around and saw the barren apartment get even more empty. I got up and walked around all the free space.
How could someone live such a minimalistic life? I thought.
"It gets easier." A voice boomed from behind me. I snapped around and saw a man crossing his arms.
I shook out of coldness and fear.
"Who are you?" He smirked and looked back at me.
"You'll figure it out. You don't need my help with that one. And besides, you owe me one."
You owe me one. That rang through my head until I connected it back to last nights events.
"You were the one who saved me?"
"I was." He nodded.
"You don't say very much do you??" I asked, a little frustrated.
"No." He pursed his lips and shook his head as he looked off to somewhere on the ceiling.
"Well im y/n."
"Cool." He nodded and walked away.
"Aren't you gonna tell me your name?"
"All in good time sweetheart."
The man walked out of the room and out of the apartment.
I decided to do a little snooping and following.
I stayed back for a while and saw some papers.
Werewolf? Doctors? Murder?! What are these things!?? There were pictures of that man and others. They had glowing eyes and claws.
They're WEREWOLVES??! I knew something was off with him.
I put the papers back down and snuck out of the apartment and followed him to where he was going.
He walked down the stairs to the basement
He opened a door and walked inside.
I followed him and creeped into the door.
He stood in front of a bunch of people.
I watched from the shadows that hid me like a blanket.
He seemed to be training with all of them. Maybe he was like an alpha or something? He definitely seemed to be the strongest.
All of their eyes were yellow. A piercing gold color.
I watched as a boy, shorter then the man and had brown hair, turned on his Wolfy powers and his eyes were red.
What the hell does that mean?
They all seemed to wrap it up and they all left. I snuck into the darkness more and waited but the man never left. He walked to the door but stopped and closed it. He turned the handle to lock the door and I was trapped.
"Come on. Come out." He shouted "you're not in trouble. Just come out."
He knew I was here. But how? Probably a werewolf thing.
I stepped out with my head down.
"Seriously? You have to follow me now too?"
"I was just curious. About who you are."
"This is none of your business." He said through gritted teeth.
"Its is when I know you're WEREWOLVES!"
"Would you SHUT UP?! Someone will hear you!" He stopped for a minute until he continued to talk "if you say anything about this, I will kill you myself."
"Trust me, I don't want to be in your business. That's too much blood for me."
He sighed and walked out.
"Hey! Can you at least tell me your name now that I know your biggest secret."
He stopped and looked at me over his shoulder.
"Derek. The names Derek."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now