Youre not my mom

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I'm really in my Derek and Eli feels right now so there's probably gonna be a couple more Derek and Eli stories
Also NOT a part 2 of Hes your son but i promise i will make one!
Slight angst ig?
I showed up hearing a commotion in the house. I assumed this was another father son argument. I walked in with a quiet step.
"Oh, y/n, hey." Derek whispered and walked over to give me a hug.
"More turbulence in the Hale household?"
"When is there not?"
"Fair point."
"Same old same old?"
"Yeah. He's just not listening."
"He'll come around eventually. But he's a teenager. You've gotta give it some time."
"Even I wasn't this bad as a teenager."
"Oh what ever Derek. You know that's a lie." I laughed
"No it's not." Derek picked up the broken coat hanger from the ground
"Derek. You were exactly like your son except you were exceptionally more of a player. Your son is sweet and funny. He may be trying to commit a felony but at least he's not stealing peoples hearts like you."
"Oh yeah? Well as I recall you seemed to like it when I stole your heart." Derek pointed out as he tried to nail back in the coat hanger he'd broken.
"We aren't talking about me here. And besides, I moved on from you after high school."
"Yeah? And then you came right back."
"That's just because it was convenient for me. You never left beacon hills."
"Oh? Is that all I am? Convenience?" The dark smile on Derek's face grew as he walked toward me.
He pulled me into him and connected his lips to mine. The kiss was deep but nothing sexual for the sake of his son.
When Dereks lips left mine I caught his eyes. I rubbed his cheek that was coated with his salt snd pepper beard. He seemed worlds older than he was in high school and yet I was still totally in love with him.
"He'll come around. You two are one and the same. If I know you, I know your son."
The day had progressed and Derek thought it was high time for him to try to make amends. He picked up Eli's stick from the table and walked over to his bedroom door.
"Eli come on out. I was thinking we could practice before the game." He looked at the stick "basketball was really more my thing but I think I'm getting better."
I smiled hearing him and remembered how he looked at Eli's age. He was dating Paige at the time and on the basketball team. I saw what she saw in him and I saw what he saw in her. Truly they were the couple. Meant to be. Derek and I were friends but no where as close as him and Paige. After she died it took him a long time to consider love. By senior year Derek and I had a fling. It was good to feel him and see him when I wanted. I got to watch him play basketball, he even taught me how to play. When we graduated we celebrated the only way we knew how. But after that, Derek became distant. And when I went off to college it completely severed our ties. The Derek then and the Derek now are two different people. It's hard to imagine that this overprotective dad was once worse than the kid he's protecting.
After Derek had talked to his son through the door long enough he knew Eli wasn't there. Derek opened the door wide and sighed.
"Eli's snuck out. Gonna go find him." Derek grumbled as he grabbed his keys and walked out.
I facepalmed knowing this was really going to stir up some drama.

Not long after Derek had left, Eli had come back. He tried getting in through the front door knowing his dad was gone.
"So what'd you sneak out for?" I asked making Eli freeze.
"Uh, nothing."
"Nothing huh? Hmm. Seems weird to sneak out for no reason."
"It's none of your business okay?"
"Well considering I'm going to have to hear the argument you and your dad are going to have, I think I at least should know what it was for."
"You don't have to stay. You're not my mom."
"Wow I am glad that's apparent with you. Because there's no way my son would ever successfully sneak out."
"Why because you'd be a helicopter mom?" He sassed
"No because my kid wouldn't be dumb enough to try me." I flatly said while crossing my arms "but my kid also wouldn't feel too proud to talk to me about how they are really feeling. Talk to your dad. He's just worried."
"Too worried. He needs to lay off."
"Then tell him what's going on. He's not going to stop breathing down your neck if he doesn't know why you're trying to break it."
Eli just scoffed and threw his hands up. He walked to his room shaking his head. I picked up my phone and called Derek to come back.
When Derek got home the front door opened and closed with a slam.
"Hey hey hey." I stood up and put a hand on Derek's chest. "You're gonna need to cool off before you kill him."
"I'm gonna kill him anyway."
"Hey. He's struggling. I know you are too but two angry struggling people won't solve anything. So why don't you just sit down for a moment, think about what you're going to say, and keep in mind you're going to have to hear him out." Derek still didn't seem to happy "you have to remember you were him once too."
Derek threw his head back and sighed. He sat down in the kitchen and thought about what he wanted to say. When he finally got up to talk to Eli, Eli walked out.
"Yeah?" Derek sucked in a breath.
"I'm sorry for leaving. I know it was wrong but it was important to me and I thought you wouldn't understand that."
"Thank you. And I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. You can talk to me."
"I know." Derek stood up and embraced his son. After a couple seconds of love they both parted ways.
"Huh." I pondered
"What?" Derek asked
"I feel like it would be really interesting to see you as a teenager interacting with Eli."

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