Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

I stifled a laugh. 

Katara crossed her arms, "Well, that's just silly. I don't sound like that."

Toph laughed loudly, "Oh man! This writer's a genius!"

"Toph," I chided, "You can't even see the movie."

She laughed, "Hearing it is enough."

Actress Katara and Actor Sokka had found a block of ice. A figure could be seen within the iceberg.

"It appears to be someone frozen in ice, perhaps for a hundred years," Actress Katara said. 

"But who? Who is the boy in the iceberg?" Actor Sokka asked. 

"Waterbend! Hi-yah!" Actress Katara yelled. 

Wow, they do NOT know how waterbending works. However, the power of special effects took over and it did actually look like the actress waterbent the iceberg apart. 

Someone, who I assume was Aang, due to the airbending master tattoos, leaped out of the broken iceberg, along with a really bad CGI Appa.

The only problem with Aang's actor was that... she was an actress

Aang looked horrified. 

"Who are you, frozen boy?" Actress Katara asked. 

"I'm the Avatar, silly, here to spread joy and fun!" Actress Aang replied. 

Oh. That was definitely a woman. 

"Wait, is that a woman playing me?" Aang yelled.

Zuko started to laugh. I gave him a stern look and he stopped. 

Actress Aang started prancing around the screen, the special effects making it look like she was really flying. 

Aang looked angry at the events that were unfolding on the screen, "I don't do that! That's not what I'm like! And I'm not a woman"

Toph looked like she was going to die from laughter, "Oh, they nailed you, Twinkle Toes!"

The movie faded to black and opened on a familiar fire nation ship. 

"Prince Zuko, you must try this cake!" Actor Iroh said. 

The Actor for Zuko turned around, "I don't have time to stuff my face! I must capture the Avatar to regain my honor!"

I stared at the actor, "How'd they get the scar on the wrong side when there are pictures of you all over the internet?"

Zuko crossed his arms angrily, "They make me look totally stiff and humorless."

"Actually, I think that actor's pretty spot on," Katara said.

"How could you say that?!" Zuko yelled.

I laughed and looked at the screen again.

"Let's forget about the Avatar and get massages!" Actor Iroh said.

"How could you say that?!" Actor Zuko said, in the same tone as Real Zuko did just a moment ago. 

Zuko sat lower in his seat. 

I laughed and stared back at the screen.

"Well," Actor Iroh said, "Have you seen (Y/N)?"

The Actress for me emerged from the water, landing on the ship in a whirlpool. 

I blinked at the screen, "I don't live underwater? Uh...?"

"I'm here," Actress me said, wringing water out of her hair.  

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