And it all falls down

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To not cause any confusion, Mahika got pregnant around Achilles' birthday, so that was in July, in this chapter she's 8 months pregnant so it's now around March.

C H A P T E R 41


"If you leave, you'll take my heart with you..."

7 months into recovery:-
Goal: mental, emotional and spiritual stability
Status: unaccomplished

It wasn't easy for him, months passing like years, dragging a long, never ending.

He'll stay in his room, unable to sleep, the voices in his head keeping him awake, his tired eyes on the ceiling.

Achilles got used to the routine, wake up at 7am, take all his medication, before getting washed and dressed for the day.

Breakfast at 8am, he never ate, which resulted in his weight loss, and anytime a nurse forced him to eat the cafeteria food, he would find himself throwing it all up again.

He hated talking in the group therapies, he'll speak for a minute about his depression before zoning out.

With the individual therapy sessions with Dr.Burn, Achilles was always scolded for another fight he was in with a patient or staff member.

The fights were because of Achilles built up anger and hate inside of himself, a patient would look at him funny and he'd snap, a staff member would try and confiscate the chain Mahika gave him and he would try to kill them.

By 12pm, it was lunch, Achilles would skip eating and go walking around outside, he forever played with the chain Mahika gave him.

He touched it every second, just knowing it was around his neck gave him a piece of serenity.

He'll take a seat on a bench, and smoke a cigarette, due to his recovering addiction they were prohibited cigarettes.

Every day in the rehab center was the same, his depression was growing stronger. No visits, no pictures, no letters from anyone, not Catalina not Mason, not Jermain and Larren, not even Mahika.

This is what Achilles feared, he feared being forgotten, just like his parents forgot him when they shipped him to a mental asylum.

As the months passed, so did holidays. Christmas he spent alone, remembering how heartbroken he felt watching all the families come to visit the patients.

New year passed like a normal day, as everybody screamed the countdown, as fireworks exploded in the sky, Achilles sat in his room, darkness covering him like the devils blanket,feeling empty, his heart completely aching.

But it was this particular day that changed his life.

March 13. He was in his room, the time being 2am, once again he couldn't sleep. He attempted to draw, but his mind was blank, he lacked inspiration, lacked determination for getting better.

Dr.Burn was adamant, thinking Mahika was the reason Achilles wasn't getting better, but distancing the two was making Achilles psychotic.

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