1. Rules are made to be broken

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Clarke Griffin 

Clarke had just opened the door of her apartment when her phone began to ring. She sighed closing the door with her heel and walking over to the kitchen counter. She placed her bag along with her coffee and keys on the table. She opened her bag and hurriedly, dug through her belongings desperately looking for her phone. Once she retrieved it, she answered.

"Hello?" Her voice cracked and she winced, hoping the caller hadn't noticed.

"Clarke are you okay?" Her best friend's voice was laced with concern.

"Im fine Octavia" She lied, trying to hide the edge in her tone.

"Are you sure? How was work?" Octavia asked.

Clarke sighed. That was the last thing she wanted to talk about. If she was being honest with herself work was pulling her down physically and mentally. Not to mention the way her mother was acting. Clarke was a trainee doctor at the Arkadia hospital. Her shifts were long and exhausting. Although she used to love her job, which she still did, recently it had been hard to be patient and not get stressed. Her mother had been distressed since her father left.

"It was fine." Clarke lied, getting used to the way that sentence rolled off her tongue.

"That's good," Octavia said "um I was wondering if tomorrow you wanted to around to my place for dinner after your shift. My brother and his best friend are coming into town for a while and are coming around and I wouldn't want to do that without you by my side."

"Um sure" Clarke kicked herself. She probably shouldn't have said yes. She had an eighteen hour shift as it was and she needed her spare time for resting. Plus she had no idea how she was supposed to hide her emotions for more than an hour.

"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much Clarke. You don't know how much this means to me." Her friend exclaimed with joy.

"Ill see you tomorrow." Clarke said, trying to sound positive.

"See you then. I love you." Octavia said happily.

"Love you more."

Clarke was hunched over a patients file. She had tried everything to make the patients illness go away but it was only a matter of time before it was too late. She hit her kitchen counter in frustration and groaned. She looked over at the antibiotics the patient was taking. She was reading the file over and over as though she was reciting it when she came across a piece of information that hadn't struck her before. Without a moment of hesitation, the blue-eyed blonde ran out the house, file in hand, grabbing her keys as she left her apartment.

It hadn't taken her long to get an Uber to the hospital. Clarke usually didn't take her car to the hospital because she was always too tired to drive after her shift and got a ride home from her close friend and co-worker, Monty. She ran into the hospital, catching her breath, and then laid her eyes on the person she was looking for.

"Monty!" She yelled. 

He turned around, slightly startled, and let their eyes meet.

"Clarke what are you doing here, your shift doesn't start for another few hours" He said walking up to her confused.

"The patient," the blonde ran through her memory for the girls name, "Raven! I think I know how to help her"

Monty offered her an apologetic smile and then sighed.

"I'm sorry Clarke but Dr. Brook said that we had done everything we could and that all we could do now was make her comfortable and not load her on drugs."

"WHAT?" Clarke yelled, catching the attention of nearby staff.

"I know its terrible. I'm mad at her too Griffin." She had to admit that when her best friend used her last name it usually calmed her down but not this time. "But she's not letting anyone in to check on her."

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