
Steve looked around himself, not knowing what else to do but run out from behind the little corner he stood at and to the stairs. Tony didn't seem to notice him, thank god for that. Must have seemed pretty suspicious if he found Steve coming out from behind his house.

The blond pressed his lips together as his ankle was in huge pain, and without thinking, he let out a small groan. Not loud, but loud enough for Stark to freeze and turn around with a questioning facial expression.

"What the h- Rogers? What are you doing here?" Tony asked with wide and surprised eyes.

"I- uhmm..." Steve said nervously.
What now? He was standing here like a complete idiot with an injured foot and a blank mind. Having no idea about what to say or do.

Tony's eyes eyed him from head to toe with a raised eyebrow. Trying to figure out how Steve even knew where he lived. Had he been following him? Why did he look so nervous?

Steve panicked on the inside. Tony's staring didn't help at all and he nervously swallowed a ball of saliva that was big enough to drown him by now.

He cleared his throat, time to at least try and lie. "I- I lost my um- sketchbook, and Natasha told me that you may have taken it by mistake. You physic...class.."

Tony raised one of his eyebrows. "No..I think I would have noticed that on Friday." He said and shifted his sight from Steve's left eye to his right.

"Oh- okay...good." Steve answered with an awkward smile before turning quiet again.

Tony's opened his mouth before closing it again. Not knowing what to say to this. "Is that all?"


"Then why are you still standing here?" Tony asked.

"Can't I stand wherever I want?"

" This is kind of my house and- wait, how did you know where I live?" Tony asked suspiciously.


"I um, you told me?" Steve said, more as a question than a fact.

Now Tony lost his patient. "No I didn't. Why the hell would I tell you where I live? I barely know you!"

Steve bit his inner cheek in concentration, trying to find a way out of this situation. Tony clearly thought he was a creep right now, or a stalker or something. God he can't have that, he just got this guy to accept his existence and they were kind of friends. For once.

Just as he thought everything was over, the door behind them suddenly opened and Tony turned his head quickly in confusion.

"Hi Mr. Stark!"

"Kid?" Tony wrinkled his forehead as his little neighbor stuck out his head from inside with a bright smile. "How did you get in?" He asked, totally forgotten Steve by know as he crossed his arms over his chest. Not actually minding the little kid's break-in. He knew him after all.

Peter smiled sweetly, probably thinking about something to say. He probably failed with coming up with something when his eyes traveling to Steve instead of answering. "Hi Steve."

Tony's chin fell open as he wrinkled his forehead. "Wait you know this dude?" Tony asked and pointed at the blond with a judging finger, which made Steve give him a sarcastic look.

"Yep." Peter answered with his light voice, leaning against the doorframe with a stretched arm. "Can he come in? Pleeaasseee?"


"But Mr. Stark.." Peter begged while his eyes became big and hopeful. Damn he knew what he was doing. Those puppy eyes seemed to have a good affection for the older male who sighed irritated.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now