Thirty One: Cursed

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As they skirted away to give me space, Emilee paused beside me. Her emerald eyes were respectfully trained to the side of mine, so eerily human from where they peered out of her wolf's face. Her black nostrils flared and her ears flattened to her head as she looked around for what had caused me to stop. Unable to form the words I needed to explain what I was feeling, I turned my muzzle towards the moon, hoping it's brightness would make sense of the turbulent storm raging war within me. I could feel the wind in my fur and for a second it felt like my world stopped and everything was silent. There was no war, no fear. In this moment I simply was.

A whisper of alien consciousness brushed my mind and I immediately lowered my defenses, allowing her warmth to wash in. I focused on the cool soil beneath my pads and Emilee's hot breath beside me, letting these feelings ground me while I prepared for whatever she had to say. I hated this feeling of not knowing what was to come, hated that I feared what the power within her was capable of.

"You are afraid of me?" Her demon asked me, unwaveringly. Had I been human, the way her voice slid across my mind like warm butter would've melted me then and there.

"No, I am afraid for you."

The pack bond tugged at me, like a rope had extended outward from my chest and I didn't have to turn around to know she was suddenly behind me. Instead I lowered my defenses and turned, connecting to Emilee's mind.

"I need you with the pack. I will convene with everyone later, but for now my mate and I have some things to discuss." She didn't argue, but just before she vanished into the tree line her head swiveled and looked back. The darkness surrounding her caused her white fur to glow and appear ghost-like, barely making a sound when she bowed her head once at me, then disappeared.

My heart pounded in my sensitive ears as I turned, my nails clicking across the stone surface. Awash in moonlight her olive-toned skin gleamed, complimenting her black eyes as they tracked my movements. It was clear to me that there were things Camille and Elizabeth had kept from me, because where my wolf and I had merged into one being, Elizabeth was still at war with the entity inside her.

Only now, it was fully in control and from the looks of things had absolutely no desire to relinquish such control. A low hiss fled from her to me as she read my passing thoughts, but it lacked the anger that was usually associated with the sound. Shaking my head, I sighed. I would have to be human to speak with her about this and I knew once I shifted, the wolves would feel my pain and rush back.

I did so anyway, curling my lip to reveal blunt human teeth at the sea of lupine bodies hovering just outside the tree line, their heads dipped and ears pricked. My father's grizzly face and bright yellow eyes tracked my movements before he leveled the pack with a snarl and led them into the brush, back to the caves.

Unconcerned with my lack of modesty, I forced my aching form off the wet ground. I marveled at the magnitude of power coursing through my veins, the strength of a dead kingdom. In a blink a thick cloak surrounded me, and although I wasn't cold, my knuckles were white where I gripped the soft fabric. It was a beautiful enigma, the entity inside of my mate, how she cared for me.

"What are you?" The question burned as it left my mouth.

Ruby red lips spread into a leisurely grin, contrasting rather starkly with her ivory fangs and black eyes. Elizabeth's demon spoke to me like you'd speak to a small child or an animal at risk of bolting. Brushing aside my annoyance, I hung on her every word. "I am a soul. Passed from generation to generation until I bonded with my intended host. And you, my little wolf, are my curse." My brows furrowed as I turned away, befalling the moon once more. It was fading into sunrise now, and soon enough we would have to retreat underground to celebrate our upcoming union in the safety of the tunnels. But I couldn't leave without knowing what was following me into the dark.

The Wolf Queen (The Queen's Slave, Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon