Haunting Dreams

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The next day all further festivities were halted as an emergency missive came in from the latest war Rome had been immersed in

The Grecians had taken back the stronghold they had claimed 

The senator was irate with frustration and sent numerous troops out to reclaim the territory. The only reason the general was not sent too, was the importance of securing the alliance

Secretly I was happy he was spared for now. My husband had spent near the entire day talking over how tp secure the alliance so that both parties benefited fairly

Nubia needed troops to ward off the assaults of Egypt and the roman empire, brimming with greed, wanted access to out prized gems; which would garner them even more wealth. The extra men of ours that could aid in their many never-ending wars;  was just an added bonus

As a result of so many negotiations I unfortunately found myself sharing a meal with Jenni herself. Not even Cassia had showed, knowing that Arrius wouldn't be present

I knew Jenni only did to spit her venom at me. i couldn't even understand where her hatred stemmed from.

 Why did she dislike me?  So much that she would want me dead? We had always been best friends. like sisters. 

Joined at the hip. At the heart. Our goals and  dreams as one. 

We used to lie together at night in our depressingly hard floor beds, in the foster homes, hungry and sad dreaming of all that we would do once we finally broke free;  escaped from the bondage of our miserable lives. Our suffering

when i met Devon and had a come up at last, i made sure she was right there with me

What did i do to warrant such betrayal? Looking at us now, you would never know we shared such harrowing memories

"How blessed i must be. the queen had deigned to grace me with her royal presence" She snarked  sarcastically

Instead of feeding into her words. I simply ate my meal ignoring her 

But That only seemed to irate her further

"Oh the noble Black Queen is too good to converse with us" she chuckled humorlessly toward the other women sitting at our table 

They looked visibly nervous with her words, the tension surrounding the table covering its patrons in discomfort

I dropped my utensil glaring at her

"What do you want Jenni? What is your issue tell me so i can quickly finish my food and leave your woeful presence"

She twisted her face into a ugly scowl i had never seen directed towards me as long as I've known her. I chastised myself for being so foolish as not to see the snake she clearly always was

Devon had schooled me on snakes. Their ways and habits yet i didn't see this one creeping in until it struck. Spilling it's venom into our contented lives, so deep we drowned and choked on it

I vowed i would never make that mistake again

I had lived up to that vow since that fateful day. Not even my husband had been able to cross my barrior of distrust and suspicion. no one has, however lately it felt like the general may be coming close

He was tapping at its walls, Testing it for its weaknesses so that he could watch them crumble and fall

I wouldn't let him. I couldn't. it would not end well. For anyone

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